Last Thursday and Friday I attended a workshop aimed at students of science communication and researchers who want to use the web tools to improve their collaboration networks and the visibility of their scientific output.

I gave a talk discussing the good and the bad sides of blogging about one's research. My contribution was very well received and I received great feedback from the organizers. You can find a live streaming (with the slides I am discussing also shown) at the workshop site, here: . To see my talk go to 1.17.00 .

UPDATE: the raw videos are now here:
waiting for a better placement in the conference web site.. The former link is broken.

Of course my talk was in Italian, as this was a small workshop and there were no foreigners. However I am more than happy to provide a summary of what I said in specific parts of the talk, if you are interested - just drop me a line in the comments thread below citing the slide you would like me to explain...