This is a little old, but Thomas Mailund, who writes on of my favorite blogs, has posted a video interview with Svante Pääbo, the scientist leading the neanderthal genome project.

At one point Pääbo addresses the question everyone's asking: did humans and neanderthals have sex? Pääbo says of course they did (why wouldn't they during the 10,000+ years they lived together), but the question is whether they produced hybrid offspring. He hopes to answer the latter question with the neanderthal genome sequence.

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This is a little old, but Thomas Mailund, who writes on of my favorite blogs, has posted a video interview with Svante Pääbo, the scientist leading the neanderthal genome project. At one point Pääbo addresses the question everyone's asking: did humans and neanderthals have sex? Pääbo says of course they did (why wouldn't they during the 10,000+ years they lived together), but the question is whether they produced hybrid offspring. He hopes to answer the latter question with the neanderthal genome sequence.

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