In keeping with Hank's recent article (and the fact that he's terminally obsessed with Greek mythology), we've developed something new for our good readers / authors here to use:

The "Which Character from The Iliad Are You?" Quiz, now hosted by the wonderful people over at Facebook.

We're using this as a test platform for some other apps we want to do in the future, so please use this opportunity to tell us what you think of the quiz, and more importantly, tell your friends about the app!

(Note: we hate Facebook apps that make you spam your friends in order to use them properly just as much as you do, so we took that functionality out of ours. Tell your friends about us in a way that won't make them want to kill someone (or us!), ok?)

(By the way, I'm Achilles, apparently, which I'm not sure is a compliment or an insult. Who are you?)