Scientific Name Cajanus cajan (L.) Huth.( C. cajan (Linn.) Millsp. syn.C. indicus Spreng.) Family Fabaceae Used Part Seeds Distribution Area Cultivated nearly throughout India up to an altitude of 1,800 m in the Himalayas. Common Uses . The seed is acrid; astringent to the bowels, anthelmintic, restores lost taste, cures leprosy, "Vata" and "kapha" ulcers of the mouth, tumors, bronchitis, vomiting, heart diseases, piles, cough biliousness, "tridosha"; improves complexion; causes flatulence (Ayurveda). The seeds have good taste indigestible, cause constipation, griping, biliousness, diarrhea and weakness, alexiteric, improve the liver; lessen expectoration- The leaves lessen inflamation ; good in piles and for the teeth (Yunani). The pulse and leaves are mixed and made into a paste which is warmed and then applied over the mammae to check the secretion of milk. A poultice made of the seeds will check swellings. The seeds are useful in vitated conditions of pitta, intestinal worms,oral ulcers, tumors, bronchitis,cough vomiting, haemorrhoids, fever and cardiac diseases. The leaves and seeds when applied as a poultice over the breast may induce lactation. The leaves are astringent, sweet, diuretic laxative, cooling, anti-inflammatory and anodyne and are useful in oral ulcers, odontalgia,gingivitis,strangury and inflammations. The seeds are astringent,acrid,sweet,cooling anthelmintic, resolvent, pectcoral, constipating, alexeteric,fabrigue and expectorant.