The relative presence of microbiota may determine the use of partly digested food and regulate the food uptake and utilization in fatty and lean person ? Doctors know it better. Distal gut microbiota which constitutes the Firmicutes ( the largest bacterial phylum) containing more than 250 genera, including Lactobacillus, Mycoplasma, Bacillus and Clostridium and Bacteroidetes which include about 20 genera and Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron is one of the most abundant organisms. The process of mutalism allows digestion of polysaccharides ( fiber) . Fermentation of dietary fiber in accomplished by syntropic interactions linked in a metabolic food web and is a major energy producing pathway for microbiota. These primary bacterial fermentors generate short chain fatty acids , principally acetate, propionate and butyrate as well as other organic acids and gases and carbon di oxide. The point of interest is that can these microbiota be used to digest the fibers which are made up of lingo cellulose or they can provide genes for developing technologies related for ethanol production taking plant material as feed stock. However it requires perhaps experimentation if this is feasible.