If you remember your visit to an airport of Moskow, or Indira Gandhi Airport terminal 2 of yesteryears, or airports of even european countries some 20 or 30 years ago there was a distinct feeling where you have landed. There was reflection of culture of the region , its food, its local variety of handicrafts and a flair of the country quite apparent of your country of landing. It has changed. If you are guided to any airport of the world as far as I have seen and open your eyes after landingin some shopping area or lounge you can not tell where you are. Its an era of globalization. Same brands of cigeratte and wine and whisky are sold everywhere irrespective of culture, or national identity. Same has gone for research . At an International confernce entire world is selling same thing genomics, proteomics metabolomics, bioinformatics with high impact factor and high funding. The needs of the region might be to know and understand its soil profile , its local flora, its energy plants or its traditional systems. But like international airport all must work only in one direction where the world is leading. What may be good for Peter may not be good for Paul. The local needs with local methods need to be addressed in science. However this will not get you good impact factor paper and you can not compete at world stage. Handicraft has vanished, cultures are vanishing and so are the local scientists succumbing to world level science. There is need to stand and say ok my country needs research in this area as it will benefit the local people and upgrade their technology. There is a diesel engine based mobile van in villages called JUGAD . If science could make it more efficient with same cost level it will be wonderful machine. But that will not help motor companies so this will not happen. If the local people are told how to deal will local energy problems of cooking fuel from Jatropha or any other source or use their waste in more effective manner to cook food they will not cut the forests. But someone has to develop a local stove to fit into their needs. Investment oriented economy drive also demands heavy profits so that the CEO of companies get their salaries in millions. I am not against rich salaries or high profile life styles but too much inequality in standards aggrevates global problems of peace and harmony. If we promote local technologies it will adversely affect their pay checks and million dollar life styles. Unless rural development will take place where almost 70 percent of the world lives, unless their local energy needs are met, all the gene technology on the earth can not solve their problem. Secondary salinization is a global problem Decreasing water tables are global problems. Solving them locally with local studies are important. High impact factors or gene sequencing can not help light his village or take his child to school. Develop local potential for local benefit at a global level. Science and society need to come closer for human welfare. Nature is the only answer for all questions and betterment of nature and natural conditions for human populations could do wonders by ameliorating disease poverty and hunger world wide. Let us give a try.