Rosa alba Linn. Rosaceae Stem,flowers It is cultivated to some extent in Bulgaria and Turkey for extraction of oil (otto) from the flowers. Common Uses . The flower is bitter, acrid, pungent, with a flavor , cooling, Astringent to the bowels, aphrodisiac, sures "tirdosha" stomatitis, leprosy, biliousness, burning sensation, purifies the blood, improves the complexion, the taste the appetite (Ayruveda) . The flower smells sweet, enriches the blood, carminative, laxative, lessens inflammation, useful in cold and catarrah of the nose, headache, toothache, bronchitis, hiccough, diseases of the lungs, ophthalmia, rheumatism, applied to piles, the perfume is a tonic for the brain and the heart. (Yunanai) The flowers are used as a cooling medicine in fevers also in palpitation of the heart. The fevers and in palpitaion of the heart (Hurst, J. R. Leaves showed abortifacient activity. A pharmaceutical preparation from white rose flowers are also said to be used as a cooling medicine in extract along with other ingredients is used for treatment of liver disorders