Rajasthan Patrika has reported that there is water for 3 to 4 days left for Jaipur and Ajmer. What will happen then. Will Jaipur and Ajmer survive for another 50 years or 5 years if no water is left.

All dams of Rajasthan drying up. One must see what is written on the wall. Come plant trees and save Rajasthan to become another Mohanjedaro and Harappa in times of history. I am on Octopus but its no match . No water no life.
बीसलपुर से जयपुर को नहीं मिलेगा पानी
अजमेर/जयपुर। बीसलपुर बांध से जयपुर शहर को की जा रही पेयजल आपूर्ति 16 जुलाई की रात 12 बजे से बंद कर दी जाएगी।