DATCHET, England, March 19 /PRNewswire/ --
- 1.745m Returns Filed With HMRC Through IRIS Software by January Deadline
- IRIS Customers Filed Almost as Many Returns As All Other Software Vendors Customers Put Together
IRIS Today announced that figures released by HMRC show that returns filed online using IRIS tax software amounted to an incredible 1.745m in the run up to the January 31st 2009 deadline.
Rising to the challenge of Lord Carter, for a connected online Government, by 2012, UK Accountants and Citizens filed a total of 5,759,006 returns online according to HMRC, with just over 5.4m Self Assessment returns completed for individuals. IRIS' share - which includes IRIS, PTP and Drummohr - stands at just over 46%, of all self assessment returns submitted using third party software. 1.745m returns were filed using IRIS software, as opposed to 1.98m with all other software combined. Some 1.68m were filed online directly with HMRC.
IRIS customers have always been at the forefront of electronic filing. Paul Aplin, Chairman of the ICAEW Tax Faculty and a partner at the west country firm, A. C. Mole made history using IRIS to officially file the first electronic tax return in 1997 using the pre-cursor to e-filing, the electronic lodgement system. This was reported widely in the national and accountancy press at the time and was included in the highlights of 1997 by the Financial Times. Following on from this, A. C. Mole was approached by HMRC and asked to file the first tax return via the internet in December 2001.
Paul Aplin commented: E-filing was once a minority interest, but the tax compliance landscape has now changed fundamentally with over two thirds of this year's self assessment returns being filed electronically. IRIS gave us the edge to file the UK's first electronic return back in 1997 and more than ten years on we are still using IRIS. This January - as we have for the past decade - we again relied on IRIS to enable us to file our returns electronically.
As well as leading the way in Self Assessment returns, IRIS customers also achieved impressive results in Partnership Returns with a 47% share of returns filed, and Corporation Tax returns with 44% share of returns filed - greater than all other providers put together, when returns filed directly with HMRC are taken into account.
While many accountants have been slower to convert to the fast and secure method of online filing, practices using IRIS software have wholeheartedly embraced the use of technology to maximise efficiency, due to the common ease of use across the entire IRIS product range, be it Drummohr, PTP or IRIS.
We are delighted to have helped our customers and HMRC achieve impressive results in the shift to e-filing ahead of the January 2009 filing deadline said Phill Robinson, Managing Director, IRIS Accountancy Practice Solutions, UK Accountancy Practices have increased time saved and improved accuracy, using our solutions for business, personal and trust tax due to the total integration with the entire range of IRIS Practice Software modules and with the systems of HMRC.
With over 14,000 accountancy practices of all sizes and with over 60% of the top 50 firms as clients, IRIS is the market leading provider of software and services to UK accountancy firms. IRIS' objective is to provide the tools and services to empower accountancy professionals, optimise operational efficiency and enable the best chance of competitive advantage.
DATCHET, England, March 19 /PRNewswire/ --
For further information: Carolyn Gordon-Smith, Telephone: +44(0)1386-859090, e-mail: cgs@cimma.co.uk