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    As Lenin's Birthday Earth Day approaches, all of media are pillaged by public relations flaks being paid by 'green' companies who are using capitalism to promote their financial form of environmental socialism.

    One thing they have in common; they claim whatever they are selling is more ethical than what everyone else is selling, and using their sticker will also make you part of the 1%. Literally. A claim promoted by an organization that sells certification stickers, 1% For The Planet, is that companies 'certified' by them or similar groups have a 70% chance of better growth than companies who don't.
    In mice, caloric restriction has been found to increase aging but obviously mice are not little people, and mice are weaned on a starvation diet. That cannot and will never happen in humans. Yet  restricting calories even by 20 percent has been shown to promote longer life in animal models.
    It is impossible to not know about 'miracle' weight loss drugs when progressive science magazines like Science called them the "2023 Breakthrough of the Year", something they never said about GMOs despite those feeding 2 billion people with less environmental strain than ever before.

    Hey, they're not dumb, they know the demographics of 94 percent of their subscriber base - and anything that helps the rich have much better health outcomes than those poor people is good for business.

    That's what Mounjaro, Ozempic, Wegovy, and Zepbound do, create new health disparities. If you are a Sneetch who wants a new health star, Ozempic-face is the look you need.
    A tsunami and an earthquake led to the 2011 Fukushima nuclear incident in which three of its reactors had meltdowns.

    Though it needed a perfect storm of events for that to happen, the science community knew future meltdowns would be impossible - and easily avoidable if Democrats led by President Bill Clinton and Senator John Kerry hadn't gotten nuclear research effectively banned in 1994. If American technological progress had been allowed to continue, America would have 4th generation nuclear power, with no damaging byproducts and no risk of meltdown.(1)
    The death of a California woman has been attributed to an Asian supplement, Cao Bôi Trĩ Cây Thầu Dầu, a 'castor oil hemorrhoid extract' that is actually about 4% lead, a “highly dangerous amount.”
    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a lawyer who leveraged a name that was essentially beatified by Democrats into a lucrative career trying to promote corporate conspiracies about cell phones (cancer!), GMOs (cancer!) and vaccines(everything else!) and he had some success.

    Thanks to his efforts raising money for Obama his name was floated as head of EPA at the end of 2008, but even a president-elect who was on the fence about vaccines causing autism and had advisors who believed in UFOs and that girls can't do math told Obama that RFK Jr. was too kooky.(1)
    We occasionally publish content from The Conversation though it is no surprise that the company goes hard to the left. A friend received a job offer and then had it pulled because staffers were concerned that some of his science tweets sounded *gasp* conservative.

    At least NPR would discriminate against those outside their tribe in the hiring stage, The Conversation looked worse by being hypocrites pretending that science and health were their touchstones, and not science topics their political demographic endorses.
    There was a time when Consumers Union, the company behind Consumer Reports, which claims to impartially test products, was a trusted brand.(1) That was before key employees were caught colluding with grifters like Dr. Oz to pick winners and losers in the marketplace.

    'GMOs are unproven' just happened to be the anti-science belief that got a Consumer Reports employee hired by Dr. Oz as a 'fact checker' when the formerly esteemed surgeon was exposed (by us, but also others) as promoting unfounded claims about science and health and promoting products if companies that wrote him checks. Like hiring an astrologer to fact check an astrologer, hiring someone who believes in woo and hates science as much as you do is not going to change your thinking.
    It has become commonplace for government officials to bypass record-keeping laws by using personal email accounts, even if they are discussing official business. Illegal, but commonplace.
    After a combination of natural disasters forced the shutdown of a nuclear reactor in Japan, taxpayer-funded activists in Germany seized on the hysteria to demand that their country switch to solar and wind energy. The technology was ready, they insisted, all that was needed was "political will" and the government needed to "show leadership" - and so the people believed.