Of course not. Then why do we have advocates of intelligent design pseudoscience evaluating the Texas state science standards for evolution? Among the intelligent design proponents evaluating the Texas science curriculum is Stephen Meyer, an armchair non-scientist who has proven over and over that he doesn't grasp even the basics of the theory he claims to be so astutely criticizing.

From the Dallas Morning News:
Social conservatives on the State Board of Education have appointed three evolution critics to a six-member committee that will review proposed curriculum standards for science courses in Texas schools.

Two of the appointees are authors of a book that questions many of the tenets of Charles Darwin's theory of how humans and other life forms evolved. One of them, Stephen Meyer, is also vice president of the Discovery Institute, a Seattle-based group that promotes an explanation of the origin of life similar to creationism.

Stephen Meyer has no particular expertise in evolution or biology, and hasn't bothered to directly deal with the actual research results of the science he criticizes. He's got no expertise in pedagogy (his latest textbook avoids conclusions and is internally inconsistent). The only thing he can bring to this reviewing committee is a determination to undermine the teaching of real science of evolution, in hopes that misled Texas children will be more likely to fall back on pseudoscience.

H.T. to the NCSE.