Late-Breaking Analysis In Hypertension Shows That Antihypertensive Treatments Differ In Their Ability To Preserve Lives

STOCKHOLM, August 30, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- According to the results of a late-breaking analysis...

Clinical Results For New Treatment Of Bacterial Vaginosis Infection

The Swedish company Laccure AB recently got CE marking as a Class IIa medical device product for...

88 Percent Of UK Doctors Believe Whiplash Claims Are Exaggerated

AXA, a UK car insurer, has surveyed UK doctors as part of its ongoing campaign to understand the...

On Facebook, Women Are More Plentiful But Men Are Better Ad Targets

Global digital marketing companies Resolution Media and Kenshoo Social published a new report today...

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BERLIN, December 7 /PRNewswire/ --

CONNECTIONS(TM) Europe has finished following three full days of interactive panels with top international executives discussing new business models and growth opportunities in the digital living markets.

Parks Associates, in partnership with CEA(R), hosted CONNECTIONS(TM) Europe on December 4-6, 2007, at the Adlon Kempinski, Berlin, Germany. Sponsors included IBM, io-homecontrol, Radialpoint, AwoX, Casero Inc., Design of Systems on Silicon, Intamac Systems Ltd, Invest in Germany, NDS, Netineo, NXP Semiconductors, SiConnect, Thomson, Yitran Communications Ltd., Zensys Inc., Macrovision, SmartLabs, Inc., Smart Design, and Universal Electronics.