Autism and your normal mind -the connection.

Have you ever been going along having a chat and suddenly your stopped cold?  You then see a "minds eye" thought of uncle joe (or something else). You are then forced to say I can picture him or it but, I can't place the name? As you stand there and look at the minds eye picture you discover its uncle joe ,or perhaps the word your looking for and you move on with the conversation or bluff it off and still move on with the conversation.

If I am right and autism that we learned is right you just seen one of the 100's upon thousands of picture thoughts (like Temple Grandin writes about) that run below the surface of the mind all the time. If science could hook monitors to our brain it  would see these same' uncle joe' type thoughts, it would see the 100's of them complie build and get translated ,shortcutted  to normal thoughts-like you unknowingly use all the time. These picture thoughts are the essance of autism and figured out and built upon yield normal thoughts just like you use.  These are long hand version of human thought. 

If this is right, the human mind is nothing more than one big photo album that talks.  The Picutre thoughts we learned by happensatance, and trial and error are uncle joe type of thoughts. Once these thoughts are figured out they prove to be one by one building blocks of the mind. Once they are figued out there are no longer any mysteries in Psychology as these thoughts (never in a text book)  explain everything mind wise.  Suddenly eveything from Savants to stuttering to dyslexa to serial killers to Narcissiamm ,Einstein and normal people all have an explanation.  MR/DD to obessions to everything else all has a interlocking explanation. SOMEDAY? we can go to the psychologists office and simply get our switches re set and walk out "ok" . For example when I stuttered I was looking at my minds eye picture (unknowingly for a long time) of 2-3-4 completed picutre thoughts ready to be converted to speech. When I looked at the internal thought codes, that make speech (an uncle joe type of thought) I was able to pick the right one and the stuttering stopped. 

The mind has made all of these (probably by Evolution) thoughts redundant and they play in the depths of the mind and normal thoughts just 'gleen ' the highlights of them in a process we know and use all the time as of course, normal. Normal is 123 and the ABC's and our autism normal was below 123 and the abc's as we inadverently learned the long hand version of human thought. When you get stuck and are forced to view an Uncle joe Minds Eye thought you glimpse one of the hundereds upon thousands of picture thoughts that operate in the depths of mind all the time.  Again if you hook monitors to them and watch them build and short cut and translate to normal thoughts you would see the "obvious". You could like We do (" autistics")  know the ins and out of the mind and indeed how the mind really works. 

Humans simply think in short suts and don't know it. We enter this internal mind gate when we think in picutres. Our OPTIC vision is turned OFF  (autism Lack of eye contat) and thoughts daydream picutre based thoughts are displayed in our minds eye. Once we learn to think with those(where Temple's thinking in pictures fits in) internal thoughts and appily shortcuts to them our OPTIC vision like yours, is always on. We can then Drive, do body languge and catch a ball. 

If psychology knew what we do, walked a mile in our shoes and seen how easy it is to go deep in the mind everything pie in the sky I talk about there would be reality. Keep in mind , we all are self taught and learned a different kind of thought process that has never been in a book before. It is the sublevel building blocks of the mind. Keep in mind your normal thoughts as good as they are, amount to very streamlined normal thougths ad thus the real ones that make them work are known about or discoverable as humans have the wrong end of the perverbial stick.