Random Noise #20 : Aude Alteram Partem

Aude Alteram Partem - hear the other side - is a principle of administrative and natural law which states that a fair hearing requires that both sides of a legal contest or argument be given an equal opportunity to be heard.  It has well been said that it is a rule of universal application.
I apprehend that a tribunal which is by law invested with power to affect the property of one of Her Majesty's subjects, is bound to give such subject an opportunity of being heard before it proceeds: and that that rule is of universal application, and founded upon the plainest principles of justice.
Willes, J in Cooper v. The Board of Works for the Wandsworth District, Court of Common Pleas
ERLE, C. J., WILLES, J., BYLES, J., KEATING, J. April 21st 1863  
(Reported at (1893) 14 CBNS 180)

As a proponent of anthropogenic global warming and climate change, I feel obliged by my ethics to apply this universal rule to the debate on global warming.  Accordingly, I respectfully direct my readers to an excellent and unbiased summary of the arguments on both sides, so that they may separate in their own minds fact from fiction.

Currently, most countries accept global warming as a threat to Our Way Of Life, and are working to actively solve the crisis. In contrast, Czech president Vaclav Klaus claims global warming is ...
Global_warming: a summary of the scientific debate in which both sides are treated equally.