On this day in 1768, eight years before the Declaration of Independence, an anonymous article in the Boston Gazette protested the military presence in Boston as a violation of civil liberties.

In 2024, California Governor Gavin Newsom has issued another "state of emergency", this time over bird flu...in Louisiana.

And few seem to mind. There is no question that bird flu is going to hit California more than other states, but that is because California leads the U.S. in science denial and alternatives to it. Before we got a law banning arbitrary vaccine exemptions passed in 2015, the California coast, where science denial was and is strongest, had more children vaccine exemptions than the entire rest of the U.S. combined.(1)  The state slaps meaningless 'cancer warning' labels on everything because they don't trust scientists and will believe any epidemiology claim.

Who opposed that law? Then Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom. The former San Francisco Mayor was defending his friends and donors.(2) Marin County, where this career "public servant" bought a $10 million home and sends his children to an elite private school(3), had a school with a shocking vaccination rate of kids of just 27% in some schools. 

Given this about vaccines before Republicans decided to embrace the dumbest thing Democrats led in, do you think raw milk is being consumed by inland people? Not at all.(4) For one thing, despite having less science and hygiene, raw milk costs a lot more. It's for wealthy elites who don't trust science, despite now claiming it's only them dumb Republicans who are against it.

They don't even trust pasteurization, which has likely saved more lives and has definitely prevented more illness than any technology in history. You're not getting bird flu in milk you buy in grocery stores, it's been pasteurized to kill pathogens, but anti-science hippies claim what they always claim about alternatives and food - that they are being deprived of valuable nutrients.

It is complete unsubstantiated nonsense, it is the same logic they used about vaccines. By the same proponent of science denial that Obama wanted to run EPA - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Governor Newsom is not declaring a state of emergency because he is worried about public health as much as he is making his friends in the raw milk community feel like they did nothing wrong.  A state of emergency makes them crackpots war on pasteurization and they health risks they create egalitarian and exculpatory - 'it is not us, it is a pandemic.'

It isn't a pandemic, it is entirely preventable. America wiped out Murder Hornets because no Democrats started putting them in their backyards and claiming they were better than other insects. 

All we have to do to stop bird flu risk in its tracks is to tell every dairy farmer they can no longer sell milk unless its risk of spreading disease or causing illness is the same as milk approved by every government body. Pasteurize it.


(1) We ridiculed that supposedly smart, liberal, wealthy people on the coast of the state knew less about biology than residents of Alabama and Mississippi, which had vaccine exemptions down near 0. Now that they were able to take credit for the COVID-19 vaccine they originally said Trump was rushing for his "Big Pharmas friends" anti-vax crackpot Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has the ear of a Republican, progressives have suddenly become critical of a movement they dominated from 1998 to 2021. In an analysis of social media, California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York had the most anti-vaccine claims prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now that will be Republican states using the same rhetoric Democrats used - they aren't against vaccines, they just want choice.

Let's hope Republicans embrace this goofball osteopath Joe Mercola, and then Democrats will stop giving his alternatives to medicine millions each year.

(2) He was famously caught violating his own state of emergency about COVID-19 at Napa's French Laundry, where he and his friends ate unmasked while the rest of us were told haircuts were illegal. The picture was taken by an angry Democratic voter and employee there who didn't like the hypocrisy of it. He said he wasn't wearing a mask because there wasn't much COVID in Napa, which tells you everything he knows about science. Ban first, learn never.

(3) He has also forced companies to donate over $300,000,000 to charities he "designates" in his name, behavior which would get him recalled in a more politically balanced state, but he is not the worst Democratic in California about using his office as a grift. He is not even the worst one working in the state capitol. That honor goes to Anthony Chan, Sacramento City Manager, whom fellow Democrats gave a $593,240 annual salary, in violation of state law, plus 64 extra weeks of paid vacation in 2022.

(4) Marin had a 1000% increase in Pertussis and when that began to spread inland is when the 70% of counties that voted for Trump this election began to pressure Sacramento elites to stop shielding their friends in San Francisco, Marin, LA, and Berkeley from criticism. Today, the state's largest raw milk pusher, shut down and quarantined because it is unsafe, is the one loved by Robert F. Kennedy, even when Rolling Stone was still gushing about him.