Thanks to President Clinton's belief in supplements and alternatives to medicine, in 1994 FDA lost the ability to regulate a whole lot of products - as long as the products made supernatural claims and not medical ones, and put a disclaimer on the packages that no science was involved.
But when they step over the DSHEA Act line, FDA can still act, and so they have issued warning letters to Double Wood LLC (dycetin); Ebnsol Inc.(PartyPal); Vita Heaven LLC (Hangover Heaven Nightlife Prep Supplement); Happy Hour Vitamins (Happy Hour Vitamins (H2V)); LES Labs (DeToxx for Hangovers); Mind, Body&Coal LLC (Miracoal – Ultimate Hangover Relief and Total Body Detox); and Purple Biosciences LLC (Purple Tree). Their violation: They claim to cure, treat, mitigate or prevent hangovers.
Unless they go through double-blind clinical trials they cannot claim to cure, treat, mitigate or prevent disease - just like real drugs.
The companies have 15 days to comply.
Hangover Remedies Are A Scam And FDA Is Going After These Companies Selling Them
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