Medical science has done miraculous things - namely saving billions of lives.  But anti-science activists are driving workers who develop new drugs out of research, by attacking them and and smearing them as pedophiles to introduce a 'chilling effect'.

One female Harlan Laboratories worker told the Observer: "When you arrived in the morning, you would have to queue for up to five minutes to get through the gates. Their loudhailers were deafening. They would scream at you that you were a puppy killer and would bang on your car. It was horrible. I was left shaking for hours afterwards."

A male said, "It is part of their methodology to equate animal work with paedophilia. If they find out your name, you will appear on their website as a paedophile. It is disgusting."

Another Harlan worker found out that his neighbors had all been sent notes claiming that he was a rapist.

Obviously, science media spends a lot of time lamenting evolution education and climate change - especially when President Obama is up for re-election and needs to mobilize his under-impressed constituency against a Republican - but it would be nice of more in the media tackled the anti-science efforts of the left.

Animal activists' terror tactics drive staff out of laboratories by Robin McKie, The Guardian