Recently, it was claimed that all of the big questions in science had been answered and it was now just about filling in the details.

It isn't the first time the concept has taken hold; Lord Kelvin said the same thing about physics and then a few years later a young man named Einstein turned the world upside down: General relativity was special, special relativity was general and we found out that gravity doesn't work the way it should for the very large and the very small, and those concepts are the engine of physics today.

But what about science overall? 

Reproducibility of key scientific experiments is the pillar of the scientific method but it's become more difficult to replicate many experimental results central to various fields of science. Recent writing on the subject has even breathed life into an old ghost: the End of Science as we know it.

For my money, the University of Notre Dame consistently puts out the best philosophers of science, they are like the Johns Hopkins of science history. Tony Mills, PhD candidate in philosophy, lays out the cultural landscape and wonders if, instead of the reality Kelvin predicted, we are about to get another Einstein.

The End of Science or Another Revolution? By M. Anthony Mills, Real Clear Science