Action plan for ECO-restoration of holy city of AJMER. Ajmer city is centrally located in the state is important city from historical, religious educational, administrative and tourist point of view. Ajmer city mainly situated on Jaipur- Beawar road and important junction of meter and broad gauge railway line. In the south of city, Bhilwara city is situated. There are big industries of dyeing and printings. In the north of Ajmer city Kishangarh town is situated which is important place being marble industries. In the east of city Beawer is situated which is important commercial center and cement industry is located in the town . The Ajmer city being situated in the middle, commercial activities are increasing here but there is scarcity of open land and community facilities in the city. Encroachment is being place on roads, systematic public transportation is lacking, problem of sewerage system is acute, and beside these there are geographical limitations of city. Valleys are situated in west, north and east of the city, which restrict the planned development of the city. The old city is densely populated and is having vary narrow street and road and many markets are constructed on nallahas. The slum areas are developing by encroachment around the steep slope of the valley in the city. Analysis of different themes and their integrated appraisal have shown that Ajmer city is being major problem enlisted as improper drainage system, inadequate sewage treatment plant, flooding, over populated residential areas, narrow and inadequate road network, less city plantation and others which are discussed in this chapter along with suggested action plan to be taken up for betterment of the city. 8. 2 Landuse /lancover action Plan 8.2.1 Action Plan for Ana Sagar lake : Ana Sagar lake, situated in north-east of the city near populated area across a main tributary of Luni river, is very important and surrounding valley of the lake provide catchment area along with natural beauty to the lake. For the development of the Ana Sagar lake area sites were suggested for recreational, educational and residential and for green belt depending on land use/ cover from satellite data and available open/ vacant lands on it. and it shown is shown in fig…………. Recreational sites are proposed near Vishram sthali. Green belt / garden are proposed near Ram Nagar area in front of regional collage and near Vrindavan hotel and new sites for residential area are proposed near around Kotra village and vaishali Nagar. 8.2.2 Action Plan for Water supply and storage Tank Earlier, water supply to the Ajmer city was through the Banas drinking water scheme and supply from Foy Sagar, Ganhera and Bhanwata. The total water supply was 30 MLD (Average 70 lake gallon) and it was supplied at the rate of 60 liter per person every day. The water supply to the city was 48 hrs. to 96 hrs. Now, water supply from Banas is stopped completely and main source of water supply to city is through Bisalpur scheme, Foy Sagar lake, tube well and hand pumps. Water supply to areas under railways, are done through Budha Pushkar. Now there is 130 liter per person every day water supply, and in 70 % area every day water supply and 30% area having after 48 the city. In the city 56,156 residential and 719 public use connections are available and about 630 lakh liter drinking water every day is supplied. To supply the drinking water in the city from Bisalpur dam about 360 km main and distributing lines are laid dawn. There is shut dawn on every Thursday at Bisalpur zone for maintenance which affects the water supply in the city for two to three days and whenever there is cut in electricity and there is leakage of pipe line due to increase in pressure the water supply is stopped. The water stored at the Water tank no. 7 at Nasirabad road is sufficient only to supply the city for one or two days but due to maintenance or leakage of the pipe line the water supply is stopped and it can not be regulated properly even after 3-4 days and there is crisis of water in the city. Such incidence are very common and even it happens twice or thrice in a month. To maintain the regular supply alternate storage area is suggested near water tank for further development and storage of water as shown in fig . Site for storage tank was suggested on the basis of drainage, slope and landuse/ landcover pattern. The site suggested for storage of water is near existing tank which is economical for storage, treatment of water and supply to the city. 8.2.3 Action Plan for Water Treatment Plant Sites Ajmer city is not having proper sewerage system. In oid city area and near Durgah area about 6.15 km long sewerage line of 150 mm to 800 mm diameter is laid dawn. The sewage is discharged in the city mainly through open drainage system in the nallaha. Wastewater is discharged in the Anasagar lake and Pal Bisla tank from the surrounding localities. Rest of the waste is drained through the nallaha near Ajanta cinema to Nasirabad road. In the city systematic planning for proper drainage system is required and it is proposed to construct the two-treatment plant one near Pal Bisla and other near Dumara village as shown in Fig. . The sites are suggested on the basis of drainage network. Water bodies location, existing drain system and from existing land use/ cover through satellite data. 6.2.4 Action Plan for Flood control Drainage condition in the city and its surroundings is quite unsatisfactory water accumulates in low lying areas localities like Pal Bisla, Nagra, Bhajan Ganj, Behari Ganj, etc. even after very low rainfall. Ajmer is surrounded by hills and steep hills area situated around Durgah, Naya Bajar, Nala bajar, Madar gate area that get flooded even after very low rainfall in the city. The slums in the areas can be shifted in the place at higher elevation in phased manner or developed with proper drainage system. The study of the slope map with contour profile not only gives a view of the cause of flooding but also location where these slums can be shifted. Construction of series of anicuts at 1st and 2nd order of drain is suggested to divert the runoff through new drainage system divert the access water towards the south along the foot hill of Taragarh so that water may not enter the city areas like kaser ganj, Diggi Bajar, Dargah Bajar and Nala Bajar. Existing anicuts, proposed anicuts and New drain system proposed to control the flooding and accumulation of water in the low lying colonies are suggested and shown in Fig . 8.2.5 Action Plan for Traffic control In the old city area due to narrow street and uneven roads, the problem of traffic pressure is a very critical position. In high density areas, the streets are so narrow that only single person at a time can enter in side. The traffic in the city usually becomes uncontrolled because of street traffic pressure. Main roads of the city are also less wide as compare to population and increase in the no. of vehicles in the city. Though to avoid the more pressure on these roads By pass road is constructed on national Highway No. 8 for Ajmer – Beawar – Nasirabad. Ajmer bus stand is situated in the center of the city and buses passes through the city. The center of the city Padav and Kesar Ganj area is situated and because grain market in this area, small and big trucks are entering this area. Similarly, there is not adequate arrangement of parking of cars in the city. To avoid the traffic pressure, vehicles coming from the south i.e. Ahmedabad, Udaipur, Abu road, Jodhpur etc and going to Pushkar Merta, Bikaner a by pass road is suggested via Double Phattak to Dumara, Nandi, Ajaipal mandir, Kharekhari. This route suggested will not cross valley area and minimize the traffic pressure coming from southern area of the city (Fig…..). In the north of the city by pass is already existing which divert the traffic to Pushkar, Merta and Bikaner coming from Jaipur, Delhi via Gughra, without entering to city. 8.2.6 Action Plan for transit point Railway station is situated in the heart of the city near Madar Gate. This area being the main market of the city facing heavy pressure of the traffic. Looking to the future need and population of the city it is proposed that main railway station of the city be shifted near Madar area. The suggested place will be uniformly connected to main places of the city. The bus stand is also situated in the city and buses are crossing city area and many times there is jam in the city area because of buses. To avoid this it is suggested that bus stand may be shifted to Adarsh nagar area so that buses may come via by pass from Beawar, Ahmedabad, Abu road etc. from south of city and state way they can go to Delhi, Agra of north of the city without entering in side city area. The proposed sites of railway station and bus stand is shown in fig . 8.2.7 Action Plan for Urban/ Social forestry The area of the city developed around the Anasagar, near University etc. having very less vegetation cover to maintain the eco-environment and absorption of harmful gases. Intensive avenue and city plantation with fast growing and tolerance species are to be adopted in these areas. Various air pollutants emitted by the automobile have an adverse effect on vegetation in terms of reduced photosynthesis activity. Based on the studies carried out on air pollution tolerance index (APTI), some of the plant species identified as most tolerance for road side and could be planted in highly polluted areas. The major species identified listed as follows : (i) For road side and within city Highly tolerant species towards air pollution is Neem (Azardirachta indica) but mango (Mangifera indica) is most sensitive and it should never be grown along road side (Budhraja, 1993). Other sensitive species include Cassia fistula, Dalbergia sissoo, Bauhinia sp., Bauganvillia spectabilies, Jesminum pubescens, Nerium odorum. (ii) Green belt development Plant species given in Table 1 can be grown in the green belt area around the city and urban areas which are locally suitable. Table : Suggested plant species for developing green belt around the City Sr. No. Plant Species Common Name Trees 1 Albizzia lebbek Kalasiris 2 Terminalia arjunia Arjun 3 Cassia fistula Amaltas 4 Polyanlhia longifolia Asoka 5 Embolica officianalis Amala 6 Bauhinia vaiegata Kachnar 7 Mitragyna parviflora Kadamb 8 Pongamia pinnata Kranj 9 Cassia siamea Kasod 10 Dalbergia sissoo Sheesham 11 Delonix regia Gulmohar 12 Ficus glomerata Gular 13 Acacia nilotica Keekar 14 Acacia catechu Khair 15 Acacia arabica Babul 16 Syzygium cumini Jamun 17 Mimusops elangi Maulsiri 18 Madhuca indica Mahua 19 Ficus bengalensis Bargad 20 Ficus religeosa Peepal 21 Azadirachata indica Neem 22 Casurina equisltifolia Jhau Shrub 23 Nerium odorum Kaner 24 Parkinsonia aculeate Vilayati Jhau 25 Hibiscus rosasinesis Gudhal 26 Callistemon lanceolatus Bottle brush 27 Salvadora oleoides Peelu 28 Zizyphus mauritiana Ber Green belt areas, already existing having moderate to their canopy coverage. Therefore, scope is there for re -vegetation in these areas to have good canopy coverage which might act as a sink for city air pollution. 8.2.8 Action Plan for Slum areas and rehabilitation There are about slum areas in Ajmer city , the total population of which is persons accounting % of the total population of the city according to census 1991. These areas are the potential source of domestic water pollution and cuses epidemic during rainy season. Some of the areas having large number of displaced persons (Table 2 ) include area. The people residing in these areas can be rehabilitated phase wise in the parts of the city and extensive plantation is required in these areas. At present the health and hygiene system is very poor and sewage treatment system to be developed. It is advisable to have underground sewerage line to avoid of mosquitoes during rain in these areas. Table 2 Slum area and population in the city Sr. No. Name of Slum Population of Slum Area of Slum (km2) 1 Ajai Nagar 352 0.74 2 Ashok Nagar Bhatta 1012 1.69 3 Babugarh 880 2.3 4 Badwala Mohallah 1320 1.28 5 Bagri Basti 639 - 6 Balupura 1721 3.5 7 Baumiyo Ka Bara 352 0.76 8 Bawdi Pada 1655 1.2 9 Bhagwan Ganj 880 1.92 10 Bhajan Gang 880 1.12 11 Bhopo Ka Bara 880 2.37 12 Boraj Road 881 1.12 13 Chamar Ghati 331 0.91 14 Dhanka Basti 1060 0.83 15 Dodar Palri Bada 352 0.47 16 Gahlota ki Dungari 836 0.51 17 Gautam Nagar 2310 3.15 18 Gujar Dharti 6139 4.3 19 Gujar Tilla 445 0.4 20 Habri Bas 352 0.13 21 Hari Nagar 220 0.59 22 Idgaha 880 0.36 23 Isai Mohalla 88 0.35 24 Jadugarh 6334 3.1 25 Jawahar nagar 1653 1.69 26 Kalu ki Dhani 150 0.6 27 Kalyanipura 1056 2.85 28 Kamala Mohalla 440 0.04 29 Kanjar Basti Ram Ganj 639 0.91 30 Kesar Ganj Vyamshala 510 - 31 Kumar ka bara 396 1.54 32 Laungia Mohalla 1337 1.21 33 Lohakhan 3652 2.59 34 Lunkaran ka Hattha 1232 1.68 35 Masuda Nadi 396 0.12 36 Maudia Meru 704 0.1 37 Mistri Mohalla 748 1.46 38 Nag Bai 440 0.33 39 Nagphani 1262 4.91 40 Neresinghpura 141 0.67 41 Pahar Ganj 1165 1.14 42 Pal Bisla 1342 0.16 43 Police line 380 1.02 44 Pratap Nagar 1531 0.38 45 Rabdiya Mohalla 880 2.17 46 Ram baga 1047 0.5 47 Ramganj Koli Basti 440 1.22 48 Sadhu Basti 528 - 49 Sadhu Basti (B.G.) 1320 2.16 50 Sansi Basti 919 3.15 51 Shanti Nagar 2056 3.34 52 Shiv Baga 352 - 53 Sogron ki haveli 752 0.28 54 Solanki Basti 344 1.41 55 Sukhadia Nagar 1320 1.64 56 Topdara 1495 1.24 57 Topdara Sindhi Basti 229 - 58 Trabay Station 880 0.75 59 Trilok Nagar 343 0.31 60 Udai Ganj 748 0.89 63626 75.20