Scientific Name Bauhinia variegata Linn. Family Fabaceae Used Part Bark Distribution Area Most parts of Nepal in sub Himalayan tracts and outer Himalayas of the Punjab ascending to 4,000 ft from the Indus eastwards, Kumaon between 1000 to 6000 feet. Sikkim through India proper to Burma-China. Common Uses . The bark is astringent, tonic and anthelmintic. It is also used for ulcers and leprosy. A decoction of the bark is taken for dysentery by the Nagas. The bark is astringent to the bowels, tonic to the liver, cures biliousness, leucoderma, leprosy, dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia, impurities of blood, tuberculous glands, asthma, wounds and ulcers used in gargle of stomatitis. In Konkan the juice of bark with the flowers of Strobilanthes citrata , 10 tolas of each is given as an expectorant and the bark is used with ginger as an internal remedy to scrofula. The roots and bark are astringent , acrid cooling, constipating, depurative, anthelmintic, vulnerary, anti-inflammatory and styptic. They are useful in vitiated conditions of pitta and kapha , diorrhoea, dysentery, skin diseases, leprosy intestinal worms, tumors, wounds ulcers, inflammations, scrofula, proctoptosis, haemorrhoids, haemoptysis, cough, menorrhagia and diabetes. The stem bark of Bauhinia purpurea Linn is referred to as the source of Kovidaar or Kanchnaara bheda in some Ayurvedic "Nighantus" . The stem bark is employed in drug formulations considered useful in ulcers, scrofula, asthma and skin diseases. It is used to remove intestinal worms and to prevent the decomposition of the blood in tumors. The main preparations are Kanchnaara gugglu , Kanchhaara gutika and Kanchnaaraadi kwaatha. The buds are acrid, indigestible, used in piles, cough eye diseases, liver complaints, astringent to the bowels, styptic in haematuria and menorrhagia. The root is carminative, and is used in dyspepsia and flatulence. A decoction of the root is reported to prevent obesity. The flowers and flower buds are used as a vegetable. Similar crude drugs 1. B.tomentosa 2. B. purpurea 3. B. acuminata Others The tree is cultivated in gardens for its showy flowers.