Scientific Name Eclipta prostrata (Linn.) Linn. syn. E. erecta Linn. Syn Eclipta alba(Linn.)Hassk.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Family Asteraceae
Used Part Whole plant
Distribution Area Throughout India, at all elevations in waste places and on road sides.
Common Uses . Bhringrajah is acrid, bitter, hot and dry, reduces kapha and vata and is a good rejuvinator. It is good for the hair and skin, expels intestinal worms,cures cough and asthama and strengthens body. It is good for blackening and strengthening of the hair, for stopping haemorrhages and fluexes and or strengthening the gums. The seeds are good for increasing sexual vigour. The plant possesses antiinflammatory activities. Its decoctionconstitute one of the ingredients of Ayurvedic preparation which is highly effective in rheumatoid arthritis. Leaf juice along with honey is used as remedy for catarrh in infants.
Therapeutic uses on Disease or Syndrome Vata , pitta, and kapha
Frequency Common
Similar crude drugs Pila bhangra is the name given to the closely related plant, Wedelia chinensis Merrill syn. W. calendulacea Less., which is used, to some extent, vicariously for E. alba .
Chemical Constituent Alkaloid ecliptine and alkaloid nicotine 0.078 percent.
Pharmacological Effect The shoot extract shows antibiotic activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Ethanolic extracts of aerial parts of the plant neutralize the lethal activity of the venom of South American rattle snake (Crotalus durissus terrificus) in vitro and in vivo in rats. Three compounds isolated from the plant, wedelolactone, sitosterol and stigmasterolwere able to neutralize three LDs of the venom The alcoholic extract of the herb has antiviral activity against Raniket disease.