<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Anti-dysentric and antidiarrhoeal properties of medicinal plants were found to be due to tannins, alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, sterols and/or triterpenes and reducing sugars (Longanga_et al., 2000) The sesquiterpene lactones, a large group of compounds with anti-inflammatory properties have the ability to relax smooth muscles and thereby relieve gastrointestinal distress (Heinrich et al., 1998). The phytochemical analysis of the extract from Calotropis gigantean revealed the presence of sugars (De, 1996), flavonoids (Rahman,. and Wilcock 1991), flavonol glycosides (Sen and Sahu,1992), oxypregnane-oligoglycosides (Shibuya and Zhang 1992)..from Calotropis gigantea ; terpenes, terpene derivatives, pentacyclic triterpenoids and triterpenoids and they have been isolated from C.gigantea (30). These constituents may mediate the anitdiarrhoeal property of the C.gigantea extract. Although the antidiarrhoeal properties of the reported active terpenoids are well established, aspects of their mechanism of action remain poorly understood. Sesquiterpenes, diterpenes, terpenes, flavonoids and terpenoid derivatives are known for inhibiting release of autocoids and prostaglandins, thereby inhibit the motility and secretion induced by castor oil (31-34).
Table 1. Comparison of Calotropis and Asclepias species.
Species |
Origin |
Height (ft.) |
Leaf arangement |
Flower |
Leaves |
Fruits | |
Size (inches) |
Color | ||||||
Calotropis gigantea |
<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />India |
8-10 |
Opposite |
2 |
White to purple, rarely light green yellow or white. Flowers not scented |
Sessile |
Follicles recurved, 2 or 1 follictes, second more often suppressed, 3-4" long |
Asclepias tuberosa |
South America |
2-3 |
Alternate |
0.5 |
Corolla greenish-orange, scented |
Sessile or very short petiolated |
Follicles finely pubescent, 4-5" long |
Asclepias syriaca Common milkweed Sikweed |
South America |
Up to 5 |
Opposite or verticillate |
0.5 |
Corolla greenish to purplish white, scented. |
Petiolated |
Follicles tomentose and echinate, 3-5" long. |
Calotropis procera |
India |
3-6 |
Opposite |
1.5 |
White to pink, scented. |
Sub-sessile |
Follicles 3-4", recurved |
Calotropis is used as a traditional medicinal plant (Rastogi and Mehrotra 1991; Oudhia and Dixit 1994; Oudhia 1999a,b,c,d) with unique properties (Oudhia and Tripathi 1998, 1999a). Traditionally alotropis is used alone or with other medicinals (Caius 1986) to treat common disease such as fevers, rheumatism, indigestion, cough, cold, eczema, asthma, elephantiasis, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (Das 1996). According to Ayurveda, dried whole plant is a good tonic, expectorant, depurative, and anthelmintic. The dried root bark is a substitute for ipecacuanha. The root bark is febrifuge, anthelmintic, depurative, expectorant, and laxative. The powdered root used in asthama, bronchitis, and dyspepsia. The leaves are useful in the treatment of paralysis, arthralegia, swellings, and intermittent fevers. The flowers are bitter, digestive, astringent, stomachic, anthelmintic, and tonic (Agharkar 1991; Warrier et al. 1996). Calotropis is also a reputed Homoeopathic drug (Ghosh 1988; Ferrington 1990).
Calotropis yields a durable fiber (commercially known as Bowstring of India) useful for ropes, carpets, fishing nets, and sewing thread. Floss, obtained from seeds, is used for stuffing purposes. Fermented mixture of Calotropis and salt is used to remove the hair from goat skins for production of "nari leather" and of sheep skins to make leather which is much used for inexpensive book-binding (Singh et. al. 1996). Fungicidal and insecticidal properties of Calotropis have been reported (Ganapathy and Narayanasamy 1993).
Allelopathic effects of Calotropis on different agricultural crops have not been well studied. Extracts of different plant parts viz. root, stem, leaf ,and stem+leaf of Calatropis affect germination and seedling vigor of many agricultural crops have been reported (Oudhia and Tripathi 1997, 1999; Oudhia et al. 1997, 1998a,b). However, extracts of Calatropis failed to produce any detrimental effects on weeds such as Chenopodium album Melilotus alba, Melilotus indica, Sphaeranthus indicus, and Phalaris minor (Oudhia and Tripathi 1997).
Agharkar, S.P. 1991. Medicinal plants of Bombay presidency. Scientific Publ., India. p. 48-49.
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Raheem,-D; Suri,-N; Saris,-P-E (2007) The characterization and application of Calotropis procera, a coagulant in Nigerian Wara cheese.International-Journal-of-Food-Science-and-Technology. 2007; 42(2): 220-223