Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.) Wight & Arn.= T. cuneata Roth Combretaceae Bark. A large, evergreen tree, common in most parts of India. . It is rare in the Karnatic, but is fairly plentiful in Tirunelveli and on the west coast. It extends north- wards to the sub-Himalayan tract, where it is distributed along the banks of streams; in Punjab, it is a cultivated tree. It is common in Chota Nagpur, Orissa and in the Northern Circars. The bark is astringent,sweet, acrid,cooling aphrodisiac, demulcent, cardiotonic, styptic, antidysenteric, urinary astringent, expectorent, alexiteric, lithontriptic and tonic. It is used in fractures, ulcers, urethrorrhea, leucorrhoea, diabetes, vitiated conditions of pitta and anaemia, cardiopathy, hyperhidorosis, fatigue, asthma, bronchitis, tumours, ostalgia, dysentery, inflammations, internal and external haemorrhages, cirrhosis of the liver and hypertension. Considered useful in heart diseases, bilious affections, blood dysentery, inflammatory conditions and in the fracture of bones. In Nepal, the stem-bark is applied to cuts and wounds. The bark is acrid, and credited with styptic, tonic, febrifugal and antidysenteric properties. In fractures and contusions, with excessive ecchymosis, the powdered bark is taken with milk. The powdered bark seemed to give relief in symptomatic complaint in hypertension; it appearently had a diuretic and a general tonic effect in cases of cirrhosis of the liver. A decoction of the bark is used as a wash in ulcers. The fruit is tonic and deobstruent. The juice of the fresh eaves is used in earache. The twigs are used by tribals of Bastar to cure blisters and ulcers of the mouth. The bark is useful as an antiischaemic and cardioprotective agent in hypertension and ischaemic heart diseases, especially in disturbed cardiac rhythm, angina or myocardial infarction. The bark powder possesses diuretic, prostaglandin enhancing and coronary risk factor modulating properties. The bark is one of the ingredients of an ayurvedic drug `Laksha gugglu' used for treating fractures. The major preparations employing this crude drug are Arjunarishta, Arvindaasava and Kakubhaadi churna.