Many have contemplated the interrelatedness of oil and war, and this thought has been outweighed perhaps by more interpersonal matters at home. Jerry Warner and P.W. Singer's 'Fueling the “Balance”: A Defense Energy Strategy Primer' explores the recent problems with US petroleum based tactical operations and how the costs of petroleum based vehicles used in conflict waste the United States Department of Defense billions in spending. In the paper, the Center for Naval Analysis is cited saying “Inefficient use and overreliance on oil burdens the military, undermines combat effectiveness, and exacts a huge pricetag—in dollars and lives.”
By addressing problems in the financial inefficiency of the old system, Washington leaders are asked to understand the relationship that energy efficient military operations will have on the battlefield and in the DoD's pockets. Beyond understanding, Singer and Warner suggest political leaders to begin discourse in an effort to expand approval, and hasten research and development for new energy sources. "The goal of such a speech would not just be to outline a broader vision, but also to demonstrate his personal investment in the issue and recognition of its seriousness, creating a call to action for both military institutions as well as contractors. This opportunity might also be used to announce the creation of certain programs and incentives, including innovative competitions along the lines of DARPA’s Grand Challenge, which helped jumpstart the unmanned systems realm."
The authors provide a sensible policy paper, which accurately envisions new logistical concerns in terms of future military energy demands if the US desires to effectively "lead the way again." If the public desires change in energy efficiency, it should pursue and/or support the DoD and the US legislature's approval of more efficient energy sources in war. By supporting this policy, people in the coming years can look forward to paying less. Some even imply that a new direction in energy utilization would change the scope of war. According to the Center for Naval Analysis, "US dependence weakens international leverage, undermines foreign policy objectives, and entangles America with unstable or hostile regimes." R&D in new energy sources could reduce the foreign conflict and shrink the theater of war. However, this a shallow assertion when considering new US cubicle warriors who operate foreign missions 24/7 from a computer.
Nonetheless, DARPA's new energy sources could end with a fate similar to ARPANET and its consequential rise of the World Wide Web. If new energy sources are expected to encapsulate energy consumption demands on earth, it may not surprise some to think that the internet will play an active role in its success.
Review: 'Fueling the “Balance”: A Defense Energy Strategy Primer' by P. W. Singer and Jerry Warner