In the last 2 years, ever since my daughter was diagnosed with a milk protein allergy, I have done a lot of personal research on diets and the effects of food on our bodies. I think that what you eat is a personal decision, and you can use whatever research you want (or none) to justify your diet. What has worked for my family is that we are what has been dubbed "flexitarians"- largely vegetarian, sometimes vegan, with occasional or rare (haha) meat eating. (If you're interested, our journey started with being dairy-free, then we saw Forks Over Knives, Food, Inc., and Earthlings- then we developed our current eating habits.)
So I have been following some of the current diet trends, and a lot of my acquaintances are getting into this Paleo diet. It intrigues me because it appears "scientific", yet I believe that eating large amounts of meat is ultimately detrimental to our health. Then I saw this article from Scientific American: "Human Ancestors Were Nearly All Vegetarians."
It's another interesting approach to the question: What is the ideal diet for humans? What did we evolve in order to eat? And should we care, or just go about our business using modern technology to eat whatever we want? I hesitate to read the article and say "I was right! I eat just like my primate ancestors! Plus the occasional cheese, but that's OK!"; however, it's pretty encouraging for those of us that tend to eat a "little bit of everything", yet have a mainly plant-based diet.
Even if you aren't interested in changing your eating habits, I think it's an interesting read.
What diet should we all be on, anyway?
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