- Brain Organoids: How Soon Before Lab Grown Mini Brains Achieve Consciousness?
The cutting-edge method of growing clusters of cells that organize themselves into mini versions of human brains in the lab is gathering more and more attention. These “brain organoids”, made from stem cells, offer unparalleled insights into the human bra ...
Article - The Conversation - Oct 26 2019 - 5:00am
- Mouse Study Claims Mediterranean Diet Causes Endogenous Cannabinoid Changes Which They Link To ADHD In Human Offspring
An exploratory study in cell cultures and mice finds that in their rodents high-fat diets throughout pregnancy (rich in polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acids) impacted fetal brain development. Don’t be alarmed, mice are not little people so a mouse study ca ...
Article - Hank Campbell - Nov 18 2019 - 1:01pm
- The Biology Of That Hangover You Have
It’s that time of year when we raise a glass to celebrate Christmas, the beginning of holidays, the new year, or simply to join with our friends. Many of us will pay a price, even if it’s “just” in the form of a hangover. ...
Article - The Conversation - Nov 25 2019 - 10:34am
- The Origin And Evolution Of The Homunculus
How did the most famous concept devised in neurobiology--the homunculus of neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield- originate? Some answers derive from assessing Penfield's archives at the Osler Library of McGill University, as well as the only known copy from w ...
Article - News Staff - Dec 9 2019 - 5:37pm
- When What Goes Up Feels Down Is Not Postmodernism, It's Seeing Gravity Rather Than Feeling It
People can deny a lot of science without making a huge difference in their lives; no one will die if they deny evolution. Gravity, on the other hand, will kill you. You can't just jump off a building and deny it exists and expect a positive outcome. T ...
Article - News Staff - Jan 25 2020 - 10:51am
- Soldiers With Traumatic Brain Injury Have High Rates Of Mental Health Disorders
An exploratory result, published in Military Medicine, finds that soldiers with traumatic brain injury are more likely than soldiers with other serious injuries to experience a range of mental health disorders. The retrospective analysis examined the cases ...
Article - News Staff - Jan 28 2020 - 7:27pm
- Do You Like To Smell An Absent Partner's Clothing?
Having trouble sleeping? Nervous about an important interview? Smelling your partner’s worn clothing may help improve your sleep and calm your nerves. While it may sound strange to smell your partner’s clothing, these behaviors are surprisingly common. In ...
Article - The Conversation - Feb 13 2020 - 3:54pm
- Folk Wisdom Is Not Right About Left Brains
We know the left and right side of our brain are specialized for cognitive abilities like language (left hemisphere) and the right hand. That functional lateralization is reflected by morphological asymmetry too. The left and right hemispheres differ subt ...
Article - News Staff - Feb 16 2020 - 8:00am
- Protein Dispersing Factor May Be Key To Erasing Traumatic Memories
Drosophila flies lose long-term memory of a traumatic event when kept in the dark, and the authors of a new study link that to a specific molecular mechanism responsible. Memories are difficult to erase but breakthroughs could be important for sufferers o ...
Article - News Staff - Mar 16 2020 - 11:35am
- Can Alpha Waves Reveal The Bias In Your Brain?
Though implicit bias- the belief that you are prejudiced, it's just a matter of degree- is controversial, that's only because it lacks scientific footing. A new study seeks to advance that. We all have likes and dislikes but when it becomes bias ...
Article - News Staff - Mar 16 2020 - 2:25pm