Known as the ‘Heart of Voh’ for its proximity to the Voh commune, a mining colony controlled by the French, these Mangrove swamps along the coast of New Caledonia in the southwest Pacific Ocean formed this natural structure, caused by changes in vegetation cover. Photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand made it famous by using a photograph of the heart on the cover of a book, The Earth from the Air.
This false-color satellite image of the heart-shaped formation was captured by the Korea Aerospace Research Institute’s Kompsat-2 satellite on 1 April 2009. No undead lichs had to be sent to their final resting place to obtain it.
But it is always perfect for Valentine's Day and since no one will read the Internet on a Saturday, you get it early.
Source: ESA
Heart Of Voh - Not A D&D Relic, It's A Swamp As Seen From Space