According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 33.8 percent of American adults are obese. placing them at increased risk for type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers.  That's a lot of fat, but not all fat is bad.

When we picture body fat, what we are thinking of is white fat but another type, brown fat, does more - it burns body fat.  It was once believed that brown fat disappeared after infancy but recent advances in imaging technology led to its rediscovery in adult humans

Because brown fat is so full of blood vessels and mitochondria (that's what makes it brown) it's very good at converting calories into energy. Researchers at Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute discovered that orexin, a hormone produced in the brain, activates calorie-burning brown fat in mice, suggesting that orexin supplementation could provide a new therapeutic approach for the treatment of obesity and other metabolic disorders. Most current weight loss drugs are aimed at reducing a person's appetite but an orexin-based therapy would represent a new class of fat-fighting drugs for those people who just can't lay off the Doritos - therapy that focuses on peripheral fat-burning tissue rather than the brain's appetite control center.

"Our study provides a possible reason why some people are overweight or obese despite the fact that they don't overeat—they might lack the orexin necessary to activate brown fat and increase energy expenditure," explained Devanjan Sikder, D.V.M, Ph.D., senior author of the study and assistant professor in Sanford-Burnham's Diabetes and Obesity Research Center.

The team looked at mice genetically engineered to lack orexin. These mice weighed more than their normal counterparts, but they actually ate less, suggesting that overconsumption was not the cause of their obesity but instead they hypothesized that the orexin-deficient mice lacked diet-induced thermogenesis (heat production); in other words, when fed a high-fat diet, the mice failed to dissipate the extra calories as heat the way that normal mice (and people) do. Instead, they stored that energy as fat.

This finding prompted the team to look at the mice's brown fat—a source of thermogenesis. What they found is that brown fat in mice lacking orexin didn't develop properly at the embryonic stage. This shortage had lasting effects on energy expenditure and weight even in adulthood.

Taking the opposite approach, the researchers then gave the defective mice more orexin. With the hormone present, brown fat developed properly before birth and continued to be active into adulthood. What's more, adding orexin to stem cells in a laboratory dish caused them to differentiate (specialize) into brown fat cells, creating more of this fat-burning engine.

"Without orexin, mice are permanently programmed to be obese. With it, brown fat is activated and they burn more calories," said Sikder. "We're now taking the next steps in determining how orexin—or a chemical that has the same effect—might be used in humans to therapeutically prevent or treat obesity."

Published in Cell Metabolism.