The run up to Valentine's Day is peak period for the lonely hearts business, says an advocacy group for the lonely hearts business. Many singles decide not to leave it to chance at this time of year, they say, and join dating agencies rather than leave their love-lives to fate. The dating industries watchdog Association of British Introduction Agencies say the dating industry is thriving even amongst the doom and gloom of the economic crisis.
January 2009 registrations among member agencies were up 20% over the same period last year. That means you'd better hurry and do it too, before all the people are taken!
Commenting, Chairman of the Association of British Introduction Agencies Heather Heber-Percy says, "Unlike gym memberships, which also boom at this time of year with new members brimming with good intentions, the commitment to finding the perfect partner is much more considered and long lasting, with new members actively signing up with dating agencies."
Except gym memberships make people lose weight while happy relationships add on the pounds.
Actually, there are 5 Stages Of Relationship Weight, at least for women, according to this research by Slendex:
1. Dating. Lose 5 lbs.
2. Comfortable. Gain up to 10 lbs
3. Engagement. Lose 8 lbs.
4. Baby. Gain 14 lbs.
5. Kids hit school and/or divorce. Back down to dating weight.
And Jessica Simpson is pretty happy, according to the tabloids. Maybe she found the right dating service.