WAALWIJK, The Netherlands, April 22 /PRNewswire/ -- 2008 Annual Report
DOCDATA N.V. today publishes the 2008 Annual Report. The 2008 Financial Statements included in the 2008 Annual Report reconcile with the figures for the 2008 financial year, which DOCDATA N.V. already announced on 19 February 2009.
General Meeting of Shareholders
In addition, DOCDATA N.V. today publishes the agenda for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, to be held on Wednesday 13 May 2009 at 2.00 PM CET in Hotel NH Waalwijk, Bevrijdingsweg 1 in Waalwijk (Sprang-Capelle). The agenda for this General Meeting of Shareholders contains amongst others proposals to adopt the 2008 Financial Statements, to distribute the announced dividend of EUR 0.30 per share, to reappoint Mr. J.A. de Vreeze as member and Chairman of the Supervisory Board for a term of four years and to appoint Mr. A. Schouwenaar, former CEO of Endemol Holding N.V., as member of the Supervisory Board for a term of four years.
As of today, the complete text of the agenda for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders with the explanatory notes, including the data as referred to in Section 142(3) of Book 2 of the Civil Code with respect to the (re)appointment of the (candidate) members of the Supervisory Board, as well as the 2008 Annual Report, including the 2008 Financial Statements, and the Remuneration report (available in Dutch only, as the Remuneratierapport 2008), are available for inspection by shareholders and other authorised persons at the office of the Company, Energieweg 2 in Waalwijk, and shall also be made available free of charge at ABN AMRO Bank N.V. operating under the name of RBS, Gustav Mahlerlaan 10, 1082 PP Amsterdam (RBS), telephone +31-(0)20-3836707 or e-mail corporate.actions@rbs.com. Also as of today, all documents mentioned here are available to be inspected and obtained through the Corporate website of the Company, http://www.docdatanv.com.
The Management Board of the Company has determined that for this meeting the persons who will be considered as entitled to vote and attend the meeting, are those persons who on Wednesday 6 May 2009 at 6.00 PM CET, after processing of all settlements per this date (the Registration Time), have these rights and are registered as such in a (sub)register designated by the Management Board and have notified their attendance in the way as described below. The (sub)registers are the administrations held at the Registration Time by the banks and brokers which are according to the Dutch Securities Depository Act (Wet giraal effectenverkeer) participating institutions ('aangesloten instelling') of Nederlands Centraal Instituut voor Giraal Effectenverkeer B.V. (Euroclear Nederland). The main participating institutions of Euroclear Nederland have indicated that blocking of shares will no longer be required for the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company. For private investors, banks may decide to block your shares until the Registration Time. Your bank can provide further information.
Holders of ordinary shares listed at Euronext Amsterdam by NYSE Euronext who, either in person or by proxy, wish to attend the meeting must notify RBS in writing (via their own bank) not later than the Registration Time. An electronic confirmation must be submitted to RBS, at the latest on Monday 11 May 2009 at 12.00 AM CET, by the participating institution of Euroclear Nederland in which administration those holders are registered as holders of the shares, stating that such number of ordinary shares were or will be registered at the Registration Time, whereupon the holder of these ordinary shares will receive an admission ticket for the meeting per email or per mail.
Written proxy and voting through the Internet
The meeting and voting rights may be exercised by a written proxy. Shareholders or other attendants to the meeting may also vote through an electronic proxy with voting instruction. To be able to submit your vote through the Internet lawfully, you should confirm your attendance as described above under 'Notification'. An electronic proxy with voting instruction will be provided to the Management Board of the Company, who will vote on your behalf at the meeting. As of today, shareholders may electronically submit their voting instructions up to and including Monday 11 May 2009 at 12.00 AM CET through http://www.rbs.com/evoting. The written proxy from shareholders or other attendants to the meeting, who cannot vote through an electronic proxy with voting instruction, but instead wish to be represented by a proxy holder, must be received at the office of the Company at the latest on Monday 11 May 2009 at 12.00 AM CET. The proxy holder should hand in the written proof that you are a shareholder ('depotbewijs') as well as a copy of the written proxy prior to the meeting at the registration desk.
The listed DOCDATA N.V. exists of two lines of business:
Internet service company Docdata (http://www.docdata.com) is a European market leader with a strong basis in The Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom, and exists of four services:
- Docdata commerce
- Docdata payments
- Docdata fulfilment
- Docdata media
Technology company IAI industrial systems ( http://www.iai-industrial-systems.com) is a high tech engineering company specialised in developing and building systems for very accurate and high speed processing of all kinds of products and materials. IAI delivers clients globally in the following sectors:
- securing and personalising of security documents
- processing of packaging materials
- processing of solar cells
- processing of other materials
Further information: DOCDATA N.V., M.E.T. Verstraeten, CFO, Tel. +31-416-631-100