HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, May 23 /PRNewswire/ -- ImmunoVaccine Technologies Inc. (IVT), a vaccine development company, congratulates Dr. Ramila Philip for being recognized as one of Pennsylvania's Best 50 Women in Business. Dr. Ramila Philip, Co-Founder and President of Immunotope Inc., received the honors from Pennsylvania Governor Edward G. Rendell.
"Ramila is a champion in the biotech industry. Her clinical work in antigen discovery for ovarian and breast cancer is inspiring," commented Dr. Randal Chase, President and CEO of IVT.
Dr. Philip was selected as one of Pennsylvania's Best 50 Women in Business from a list of 1,500 highly accomplished nominees, by an independent panel of judges. She is currently working with IVT to develop a pipeline of novel therapeutic cancer and infectious disease vaccines.
Prior to co-founding Immunotope, Dr. Philip was Vice President of Product Development and Scientific Affairs at Upstate Inc. While at Upstate, Dr. Philip and her group obtained FDA approval of an orphan drug application for melanoma immunotherapy. She continues to develop immunotherapy and gene therapy products, from research to early phase clinical testing.
Dr. Philip has over 15 years of experience in biotech industry and over 50 publications in major scientific journals.
About IVT
ImmunoVaccine Technologies Inc. is a private, clinical-stage, vaccine development company. Through its own biotech research, patented VacciMax(R) and DepoVax(TM) technologies, and collaborations with partners, IVT creates vaccines with the potential to help save and improve lives around the world.
In December 2007, IVT signed a binding MOU to acquire Pennsylvania-based Immunotope Inc. The acquisition enables IVT to create an entire pipeline of proprietary therapeutic cancer and infectious-disease specific vaccines. In January 2008, IVT licensed its technology to Pfizer Animal health, marking a pivotal step in achieving its vision of delivering breakthrough vaccines.
For further information: Brian Lowe Vice President IVT +1-902-492-1819 bl.ivt@immunovaccine.com; Jennifer Ayotte Communications +1-902-209-4704 jayotte@impactcommunications.ca
For further information: Brian Lowe, Vice President IVT, +1-902-492-1819, bl.ivt@immunovaccine.com; Jennifer Ayotte, Communications, +1-902-209-4704, jayotte@impactcommunications.ca