LONDON, August 11 /PRNewswire/ --
- Men are the new Women
When it comes to being unhappy with body shape - it seems men are the new women.
According to the results of the annual Men's Fitness Magazine Body Survey, 70% of men - an all-time high - are now unhappy with their bodies. This figure exactly matches the 70% of women who feel unsatisfied with their figure.
Another surprising stat reveals that one in three British men feel self-conscious about being naked in from of their girlfriends - which means turning the lights out for sex is no longer a female preserve.
Pete Muir, editor, Men's Fitness magazine comments: "Traditionally it has been women who suffer from negative perceptions about their bodies but our survey shows that men are now joining them in the body-angst stakes."
The report also reveals that a whopping 87% of all men would like to pile on more muscle, whilst 1 in 5 British men would consider having plastic surgery in a bid to alter their physique.
Pete Muir continues: "Over a third of men said that they can't find enough time to work out properly, so it's our job to show them that going under the knife isn't necessary - it's possible to fit workable fitness regimes into everyday life.
To stay healthy we should be doing a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise five times a week, but don't forget that can include running for the bus, taking the stairs instead of the lift and having a kick-about in the park. There are also loads of exercises you can do at home - just remember the little and often mantra."
Nobody does it better
When it comes to male body idols, Daniel Craig is still top of the bods - with over a third of all recipients coveting 007's build - whilst men and women agree that curvy Jessica Alba has the best female figure.
Full survey findings will appear in the September issue of Men's Fitness Magazine.
For more information on Men's Fitness Body Survey contact EHPR: Rebecca T: +44(0)1753-844043, E: