OXFORD, England, July 29 /PRNewswire/ --
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For those interested in pursuing a career in marketing, it is probably necessary to seek advice about entry levels. By beginning on the correct level, it is possible to save a lot of time and money.
The Chartered Institute of Marketing qualifications offer four levels that can act as a helping hand into the world of marketing. These levels are: Introductory Certificate, Professional Certificate, Professional Diploma and Professional Post Graduate in Marketing.
As Rosie Phipps, Principal of the Oxford College of Marketing says "The CIM has introduced a new Certificate and they are recommending that graduates without a 1/3 marketing content in their degree and limited experience do the Certificate and not the Diploma."
The Oxford College of Marketing's policy is that until the new Diploma is introduced in September 2009, it will continue to put most graduates without any marketing content in their degree on to the Diploma programme where they can work through assignments. In addition to this, graduates will also receive free full access to the Distance Learning Certificate programme. Not all colleges are able to offer this kind of tuition as they do not use online Blackboard technology to support student's learning. This type of decision can only be put to students after a careful interview, either in person or via telephone. The interview helps the OCM to ensure that by gauging work experience and past qualifications, it can ensure that graduates are put on the correct level.
If you are a graduate please contact the Oxford College of Marketing to arrange an interview.
OCM's Policy
The Oxford College of Marketing offers graduates the opportunity to save a year of study and get a higher qualification. Self financing students will also save money.
Some graduates may be referred to the Professional Certificate level if the Centre Manager believes this to be the best route for the student.
Notes to editors
About Oxford College of Marketing
Oxford College of Marketing is one of the largest CIM accredited Marketing Colleges in the UK. With study centres in London, Gatwick, Milton Keynes, Liverpool, Reading, Brighton, Sheffield, and of course Oxford, the College has been running qualification Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) courses since 1997, with superb student results. The College offers CIM Introductory Certificate, Professional Certificate, Diploma and Postgraduate Diploma qualifications through a number of study options, including distance learning, as well as short and one-day marketing courses and tailored in-house training programmes.
About the Chartered Institute of Marketing
The Chartered Institute of Marketing offers four levels of professional qualification at study centres in 130 countries. The CIM qualifications are internationally recognised qualifications that can help marketers at both an operational and strategic level. About 27,500 people sit CIM qualifications every year, 15,000 of which are overseas students.
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To find out more about studying with the Oxford College of Marketing, and for an informal discussion on which level is appropriate to you please contact: Jane Young, on +44(0)1865-515255 or janey@oxfordcollegeofmarketing.ac.uk
Press contact: Jane Young, +44(0)1865-515255 or janey@oxfordcollegeofmarketing.ac.uk