WASHINGTON, April 29 /PRNewswire/ --
- Public Webcast Features Byron Acohido and Jon Swartz, Technology Reporters with USA Today and Authors of the Book, Zero Day Threat
Liberty Alliance, the global identity community working to build a more trust-worthy internet for consumers, governments and businesses worldwide, today announced highlights of the Wednesday, May 7 Privacy in Perspective webcast. Taking place at 8:00am US PT (3:00 UTC), the event is hosted by Byron Acohido and Jon Swartz, technology reporters with USA Today, reviewing highlights from their new book Zero Day Threat. Registration for the public event is available at http://www.projectliberty.org/liberty/news_events/webcasts
Zero Day Threat discusses the immediate and long-term security and privacy risks associated with online transactions, social networks and Web 2.0 technologies. The book outlines how the internet and Web 2.0 applications are opening new doors to focused and profit-minded e-crime groups driving a US$200 billion-a-year industry that revolves around stolen data. The webcast will examine the intense, but invisible activity on the cutting-edge of cyber-crime and suggest steps consumers and organizations can take to increase online security and privacy. The Zero Day Threat prologue is available at http://zerodaythreat.com:80/
"The May 7 webcast is an important event for raising awareness of the many security and privacy risks associated with the internet, social networking and Web 2.0 applications," said Brett McDowell, executive director, Liberty Alliance. "The Privacy in Perspective series has been designed to help consumers and organizations become better educated about online privacy threats and to drive new understanding of the technology and policy initiatives available to help mitigate risks."
About Privacy in Perspective Webcasts
The three-week series examines risks and potential solutions for solving online privacy issues spanning enterprise and Web 2.0 applications and technologies. The series began on April 16 when Robin Wilton with Sun Microsystems and co-chair of the Liberty Alliance Public Policy Expert Group reviewed findings from the ongoing global Liberty Alliance privacy summits. The April 23 event featured Phil Hunt, Director Security Standards, Oracle Identity Management, and lead developer of the Liberty Identity Governance Framework (IGF) open source project at OpenLiberty.org, reviewing the privacy benefits IGF delivers to enterprise and Web 2.0 applications. All of the webcast presentations are available on the Liberty Alliance Web site at http://www.projectliberty.org/liberty/resource_center/presentations_webc...
CONTACT: Russ DeVeau +1-954-530-2850 - Office +1-908-251-1549 - Mobile russ@projectliberty.org Web site: http://www.projectliberty.org http://zerodaythreat.com:80
Russ DeVeau, Liberty Alliance, +1-954-530-2850, Mobile, +1-908-251-1549, russ@projectliberty.org