Life Isn't Hell, Comps Are...

First, I have to apologize for my extended absence from both this site and my blog... I've not...

The Plague And Burnout: Flow As The Solution To Both

I sincerely apologize for my complete absence from the blogging world though a recent bout with...

"Justice" In Italy And The Role Of Psychology In Courtroom Trials

My recent love of watching TV online while attempting to get some of my more mindless tasks done...

When Helping Hurts

As someone who occasionally (or sometimes more than occasionally) says the wrong thing in an attempt...

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hardiness and resilience, gender, psychology and other scientific sub-disciplines, and affective forecasting... Read More »

It's strange how quickly the image conjured up of a place can change so quickly for so many. If I'd used "Haiti" in the subject line two weeks ago, I'd guess most of you wouldn't quickly think of how it's the poorest country in the Western hemisphere. Maybe you'd remember that they speak French or that it's on an island. But now... the very name of the country is synonymous with damage, destruction, and heartbreak for many Americans who have caught glimpses of stories on CNN, the radio, Twitter badges and ribbons, facebook statuses and even text messaging donation campaigns. But more than that, I think there are some important lessons worth examining in the middle of this...
"Don't feel entitled to anything you didn't sweat and struggle for." -Marian Wright Edelman

Perhaps it's resolution-making hangover inherent in the start of a new calendar year and simultaneous beginning of another semester, but I've felt particularly optimistic about my future in graduate school recently. But, I'm going to choose to remain optimistic here and choose to believe that it's recent intellectual discussion - of the sort I honestly thought I'd be a part of when I got to graduate school (back when I was young and innocent - and thus could potentially recapture this enthusiasm when necessary by engaging in similar discussions. 

One of my male friends was recently teasing me about the results of a study by Dr.