Public Health

Endocrine Disruption: A New Strategy?

Slama et al. (2016) recently published a paper on issues relevant to setting regulations for endocrine disrupting substances in the European Union. 1    The authors discuss options associated with these issues, briefly described as use of interim criteria ...

Article - Patricia Nance - May 16 2016 - 2:47pm

Low Nicotine Cigarettes Still Reduce Body Weight

It used to be a truism that when people stopped smoking, they were likely to gain weight, but the reasons for it were cloudy. Did people replace the mechanism of smoking with candy and food, or did nicotine suppress body weight gain independent of food in ...

Article - News Staff - May 19 2016 - 12:32pm

Folic Acid Fortification Doesn't Reduce Brain, Spine Defects

Fortifying the U.S. food supply with folic acid was not associated with a decline in certain birth defects that researchers expected to see in California, a finding likely to contribute to an ongoing debate about the future of the fortification program. T ...

Article - News Staff - May 19 2016 - 12:36pm

Nature Cures The Disease, While Homeopaths Amuse The Patient

Few alternative therapies are more divisive than homeopathy. Whenever I write about the subject, I get bucket-loads of hate mail. Somehow, homeopathy has the power to touch raw nerves and strong emotions. And it makes fallacies appear like mushrooms after ...

Article - Edzard Ernst - May 20 2016 - 10:25am

Distinguished European Scientists Challenge Endocrine Pseudoscience


Blog Post - Gregory Bond - May 20 2016 - 5:54pm

Sepsis Keeps Killing Months Later

It's known that many patients die after getting sepsis but it's unclear if the increased risk of death (30 days to 2 years after sepsis) is because of sepsis itself or because of pre-existing health conditions the patient had before acquiring th ...

Article - News Staff - May 24 2016 - 7:59am

The Precautionary Principle Wants To Make You Afraid Of Your Barbecue

The U.S. Memorial Day weekend ushers in the start of the summer grilling season but  University of Missouri School of Medicine wants to throw some cold water on your flames- by warning the public about the dangers of cleaning with wire-bristle brushes. Co ...

Article - News Staff - May 26 2016 - 9:22am

Does Acupuncture Cause Adultery?

Acupuncture, like most other alternative therapies, is particular popular for indications that are: 1. chronic 2. associated with a high burden of suffering, 3. not easily treatable with conventional therapies, 4. are frequently resolved without any inter ...

Article - Edzard Ernst - Jun 1 2016 - 3:44pm

As Safe As Coffee? Is Nicotine Vapor In E-cigarettes Really Harmless?

A core platform of the massive promotion of e-cigarettes has been the argument that because these products involve no combustion but only vaporization, they must be substantially less dangerous than smoked tobacco. Few – including me – would disagree with ...

Article - The Conversation - Jun 14 2016 - 9:54am

Unhealthy Food Is The Biggest Cause Of Death In The UK, This Scholar Says He Can Fix It

British taxpayers spend billions for the health care of an increasingly overweight population. The World Health Organisation predicts that almost three-quarters of men and two-thirds of women in the UK will be overweight or obese by 2030. Graham MacGregor ...

Article - News Staff - Jun 14 2016 - 10:53am