The first thing you will be asking me is how Bloggy is off on another adventure with yet another blonde while I am stuck writing about it on the Internet. It is a mystery of science.
Yet the little Lothario is off indeed, this time at ScienceOnline 2010 with our favorite Science Cheerleader, Darlene Cavalier.

If you aren't familiar with Science Online, it is organized by columnist Bora Zivkovic and
addresses a variety of issues and perspectives on science communication, including science literacy, the popularization of science, science in classrooms and in homes, debunking pseudoscience, using blogs as tools for presenting scientific research, writing about science, and health and medicine.For a full list of events (many are available to people outside the conference also) look here.
So why is Bloggy there? Well, Darlene needed a bodyguard, I suppose, and she just doesn't realize she will need a bodyguard from him. But she is starting to get the message as this little mini-podcast attests: (you need to click the little arrow if you want the inline player)
And, since the football playoffs happen (for real, not that wildcard dreck) this weekend, she also hangs out with people like this, which makes him happy:
Tomorrow is also supposed to be the debut of Darlene's newest venture,, which
will bring together the millions of citizen scientists in the world; the thousands of potential projects offered by researchers, organizations, and companies; and the resources, products, and services that enable citizens to pursue and enjoy these activities. Think Craigslist meets in the realm of citizen I think Bloggy will defect as soon as it becomes available.