The National Months get kind of cluttered too. October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month, American Pharmacist Month, Apple Jack Month, Awareness Month, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Clergy Appreciation Month, Computer Learning Month, Cookie Month, Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Eat Country Ham Month. International Drum Month, Lupus Awareness Month, National Diabetes Month, National Pizza Month, National Vegetarian Month, National Popcorn Popping Month and, as you can already tell by the tone of this piece, Sarcastic Month.
Let's not leave out the days. Earlier this Eat Country Ham Month we had National Manufacturing Day, which no one participated in because the government was shut down and the government has taught us to hate manufacturing in America. Since that was October 4th, it came after World Vegetarian Day, Virus Appreciation Day and Name Your Car Day, but Name Your Car Day had to share with National Custodial Workers Recognition Day so you may have missed it because you were ... naming your car.
I've become skeptical of all these claims of National Days - but International Skeptics Day was on the 13th so I guessed I missed it.
Today is National Mole Day, because Lorenzo Romano Amedeo Carlo Avogadro di Quaregna e di Cerreto, Count of Quaregna and Cerreto came up with the law stating that equal volumes of gases under the same conditions contain an equal number of molecules: truncated to 6.02x1023. Get it? 10/23? Anyway, who decided the 10/23 should be the day rather than June 2nd? I have no idea, but they have a better marketing machine than National TV Talk Show Host Day, which is also happening as we speak. I just know everyone tangentially related to science has tried to get me to give them free advertising about National Mole Day.
Because, you know, if you care about science you exist to give corporations free advertising - that is the reputation science has gained after doing all this free outreach work.
But shining through the miasma of all the teary odes to how much corporations care about
Check out this hilarious email I got. Not only is the science sound, but so is the logic. I'll take a box of Fonseca 10X10s if you are asking how you can really help advice science understanding, Famous Smoke people.

Credit and link: Famous Smoke, who did not ask to be in my blog - but they sure earned it.
Lists thanks to Holiday Insights