Samsung wants to give away a lot of money for STEM projects in local schools and we all probably agree that is a good thing. But there is no such thing as a free lunch so they want to give it away to people who can mobilize the most people that care about science and kids.
Sutter Middle School in Folsom is one of those in the running so if you want to get more science and math to young people, let's give them a vote.
It isn't painless, you have to register an email address, but after that you can participate's for the kids.
Here's the link: and then after you register your email you click on Sutter Middle School to vote for it. Done.
You can vote once a day but we don't have to get all crazy about it - I think even voting once would be a big help. Without public participation, there is no Science 2.0 at all so we certainly want to encourage the next generation to become scientists. Or at least love science and become politicians and raise funding.
My Local School Is Up For A $100K STEM Grant From Samsung: Here Is How You Can Help
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