Restoring Electrical Conductivity...
Cross-Sectional Epidemiology & Endocrine Disrupting...
Overexposed To Bisphenol F? Blame Mother Nature
Inflaming The Myths Of COVID-19 Vaccines
Drugs For Different Bodies: The Female Side Of...
Researchers at Columbia University Medical Center have illuminated a window into how abnormalities in microRNAs, a family of molecules that regulate expression of numerous genes, may contribute to the behavioral and neuronal deficits associated with schizophrenia and possibly other brain disorders. Maria Karayiorgou>
Most people who try a diet don't succeed in keeping weight off long-term and that is trumpeted as a huge failure of dieting by people who, wait for it, are often selling a competing diet.The health truth is that even if you fail, you improved your health. Claims that people whose weight go up and down are dying earlier>
With a porous southern border, street fentanyl continues to enter the United States and be purchased by recreational drug users, all while the U.S. government continues to treat suffering cancer patients like criminals when it comes to legitimate pain medication access. It isn't much better in Canada, according to>
A large study published in Human Reproduction (1) looked at the effect of induced abortions on a subsequent first birth and found that women who have had three or more abortions have a higher risk of adverse birth outcomes, such as delivering premature and low birth weight babies.>
Drinking 3-5 cups of coffee per day has been linked to protection against Alzheimer's Disease, according to a new review of studies. The number of people in Europe aged over 65 is predicted to rise from 15.4% of the population to 22.4% by 2025 and, with an aging population, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's>
As the story was told to me, the realization that my eyes were “different” wasn’t discovered until I’d been home from the hospital for a couple weeks. You know how it is - newborns sleep a lot, and eye contact is a bit limited when you’ve got a little one that is only awake a small portion of the day. Then>