Looming Doctor Shortage -...
The Regenerative Ranching Racket
Understanding The Voynich Manuscript #1
Internet Joke Event - Why Crowd Of 2 Million Can't...
Quantum Computing In Finance – Where We Stand...
Hundreds of millions of times every year many of us turn to online symptom checkers to try to self-diagnose our symptoms and to get advice on whether we should seek further medical care or just rest at home until we feel better. But how good is the information we receive? The first wide-scale study of the accuracy>
A recent paper makes a connection between the quantum group SLq(2), which describes knots, and the elementary particles of the Standard Model.  A mathematical knot is an embedding of a circle in 3-dimensional Euclidean space. Unlike your shoes, with their knot the ends are joined together so it cannot>
What is a bubble? As is often the case with language, one word can embody multiple meanings.  I am referring to the type of bubble emergent from large-scale social phenomena. It is generally a self-reinforcing process, where participants come to believe that by buying in or investing in some underlying thing>
Contrary to popular belief, the worst injuries baseball catchers face on the field come from errant bats and foul balls, not home-plate collisions with base runners, according to findings of a study led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. The research, done in collaboration with Baltimore>
We all know that if there's one thing certain to happen to professional tennis players who get hurt in skydiving accidents, it's that a clandestine para-military organization will swoop in and replace the now defective natural parts with über-awesome cybernetic ones.>