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Epigenetic: The Imprinter Of All Maladies

Epigenetics is everywhere. Nary a day goes by without some news story or press release...

PubMed Commons: Post-Publication Peer Review Goes Mainstream

I have written a lot about how I think the biggest problem in science communication today is the...

GMOs And Pediatric Cancer Rates

There’s a post being highlighted by anti-GMO activists on Twitter that claims that cancer is...

Let’s Not Get Too Excited About The New UC Open Access Policy

It was announced today that systemwide Academic Senate representing the 10 campuses of the University...

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Michael EisenRSS Feed of this column.

Prof. Michael Eisen is an evolutionary biologist at U.C. Berkeley and an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. His research focuses on the evolution and population genomics of gene... Read More »


Last week I wrote about the anti-science campaign being waged by opponents of the use of genetically modified organisms in agriculture. In that post, I promised to address a series of questions/fears about GMOs that seem to underly peoples’ objections to the technology. I’m not going to try to make this a comprehensive reference site about GMOs and the literature on their use and safety (I’m compiling some good general resources here.)

This November, Californians will vote on an initiative that would require any food containing ingredients derived from genetically modified crops to be labeled as such.

Backers of the “California Right To Know Genetically Engineered Food Act” are pitching it as a matter of providing information to consumers, who, they argue, “have a right to know what’s in the food we buy and eat and feed our children, just as we have the right to know how many calories are in our food, or whether food comes from other countries like Mexico or China.”