Handshake Chain Through History
Is It Immoral To Oppose The Use Of Pesticides?
Pessimism Makes The Headlines But The World Is...
The Pharaoh, The Suburb, And Mathematics.
Gender Ideology In Science

There's a mythology about the native Americans, that they were all peaceful and in harmony with nature - it's easy to create narratives when there is no written record.But archeology keeps its own history and a new paper finds that the 20th century, with its hundreds of millions dead in wars and, in the case of Germany>

The great thing about being a bureaucrat in a dictatorship is you can take credit for everything that happens in your personal fiefdom and treat people like garbage and there is no recourse. Well, almost no recourse. Those guys working for Saddam Hussein didn't fare all that well when their boss started floating>

With Burns Night this weekend, Scotland will celebrate its heritage. In the First Among Equals country to the south that controls them, Scottish accents used to mean trouble. Now, it is the sound of safety for both English men and women.A new study finds that the English, even some Welsh and Scottish, associate>

LONDON, August 19 /PRNewswire/ --- isango!, the Largest Online Travel Experience Provider in Europe Launches German Site in Record Time.Another first for as it rolls out the first, truly localised travel experiences offering in the German market. Only 4 months after raising the necessary>

The Posthumous Memoir of Ignaz VenetzThis memoir was published by the Swiss Natural Sciences Society, shortly after the death of Ignaz Venetz, to honor his great contribution to science.For background information, please see part 1 of this article -The Posthumous Memoir Of Ignaz Venetz and Ignaz Venetz>

If we had a prize for Most Celebrated Business Hero in America, it would have to be Steve Jobs, the late founder of Apple.The agile doge of Silicon Valley had a “death stare” you couldn’t escape.He had a up-from-orphan back story you couldn’t resist.And he had the vision of ten of his fellow technology executives>