First Nation Shell Middens...
A Million-Year-Old Mammoth May Hold The Key To...
By Irena Šoljić
Getting To The Heart Of The Coronavirus Pandemic
By W. Glen Pyle
Does Learning A Foreign Language Stimulate Cerebral...
The Thorny Problem Of COVID-19 Vaccines And Spike...
By W. Glen Pyle
In 1929, an experiment with 28 barley varieties showed why barley, one of the world’s most important cereal crops for at least 12,000 years, has been so adaptable, growing everywhere from Norway to the mountains of South America, and why that means the future remains bright for whiskey and beer.In most cases, random>
If you read almost any science blog other than mine, you're probably aware of Brown University biologist Ken Miller's smackdown of Intelligent Design (ID) shill Casey Luskin, posted on Carl Zimmer's Loom: part 1, part 2, and part 3.At issue is the tired old concept of irreducible complexity, and it's amazing that>
When COVID-19 broke out, it was a US election year and that meant a lot of common sense gave way to politics. Democrats charged that then-President Trump was putting lives at risk by telling FDA to fast-track a vaccine, after insisting that closing airports to China was racist and xenophobic because the World Health>
Researchers in Scientific Reports are claiming the first non-human instance of an animal possessing some mental states (e.g., mental body image, standards, intentions, goals), which are elements of private self-awareness.They show that Labroides dimidiatus (bluestreak cleaner wrasse) checked their body size in>
Scrapie is a neurodegenerative disease that has been known for centuries and which affects sheep and goats. Similar to Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) or mad cow disease, scrapie is caused by a transmissible pathogen protein called prion.A new study finds that the pathogens responsible for scrapie in small>
Getting enough sleep is correlated to brain and heart health and after a stroke that is even more important. A new survey finds that is when people who need it are least likely to get it. A cohort of 39,559 people were asked every two years how much sleep they usually get at night on weekdays or workdays. Sleep>