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The right-wing may have co-opted anti-vaccine beliefs from the left and changed Science Is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy hysteria into Science Is A Vast Big Pharma Conspiracy but luckily most of the wealthy people are still in states like California, so the right hasn't taken up overspending on chickens that never had medicine and never will, or raw milk, or raw pet food.

Those are three giant preventable disease vectors for and the west coast is still doing all of them. The latest disease spreader for wealthy progressive elites is Wild Coast Raw of Olympia frozen Boneless Free Range Chicken Formula raw pet food for cats. It is probably contaminated with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 also known as bird flu.  
With new analyses created by their employees to 'detect' chemicals in water, plus their war on seed oils, Environmental Working Group have joined Natural Resources Defense Council in becoming Republican allies.

Welcome to politicization of science in the 2020s. Just a few years ago, Republicans were the enemy of anti-science activists, but now the Trump administration has an environmental conspiracy theorist in the Cabinet. Science won't matter and that's good for environmental lawyers.
In 2015, nearly every country signed The Paris agreement and agreed to keep global warming to below 2 degrees higher than before humans began emitting industrial levels of CO2 emissions.

Yet very little has changed, because every country gets to arbitrarily decide for itself how it can meet its goal, or if it should have a goal at all.(1) That's how useless the Paris Agreement is.
A new survey created by marketing insights company Tastewise finds that half are not going to drink alcohol on Valentine's Day - for health reasons.

They're not wrong. During the waning days of the Biden administration, Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy did something for science and public health that was grounded in science - he issued a report encouraging people to get off alcohol
Over 30 years after Democrats achieved their generational goal of ending nuclear energy in America, science is finally back.

Texas A&M University Chancellor John Sharp announced they have provided land nearby to build four nuclear small modular reactors. “Plain and simple: the United States needs more power. And nowhere in the country, other than Texas, is anyone willing to step up and build the power plants we need."

Credit: Texas A&M University
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., called the National Rifle Association “a terrorist organization” but now claims to be a “constitutional absolutist” who opposes gun control. He said if you eat steak you're more of a terrorist than Obama Bin Laden but now does photo ops eating McDonald's cheeseburgers, and he claimed that President George W. Bush trouncing his fellow progressive anti-science activist Senator John Kerry was actually Republicans stealing the election but now claims maybe Trump had his win stolen in 2020.

What changed? He is close to finally getting the government legitimacy he has craved, but escaped him in 2008. So he has flipped to things Republicans like. It is all for show. He has not changed.
The United Kingdom has delays even longer than the United States for routine care but with a fraction of the population, their high costs are a lot more punitive to taxpayers.

Government is always looking for ways to keep costs contained but NHS employees need raises also, so it is a challenge. Needing fewer new employees will help.
Though the American Automobile Association (AAA) says you should, thanks to fuel-injection engines common for the last 40 years, you don't need to 'warm up' your car, letting it idle before driving, now even though in the past it made sense.

Like America inventing pre-diabetes, which no other nation accepts because only 5% of people in the CDC 'warning' range will ever develop type 2 diabetes in their lifetime, warming up your car is a solution without a problem.
PFAS, called "forever chemicals” by activists, are about 12,000 compounds, 11,993 of them found in nature, yet environmentalists in their Forever War On Science have been targeting them based on epidemiological correlation. You know, that same "science" that claimed chocolate is health food, butter is bad and trans fats are good, and that a parasite medication cured COVID-19.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and his Children's Defense Fund and his work as a trial lawyer for Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has always been in a war against science. He has been at war for decades. He sued over the COVID-19 vaccine, as you'd expect from his wealthy white perch where organic food and supplement shoppers also reside, but really only shot to prominence outside the anti-vaccine and organic food industry when he abandoned his presidential campaign and endorsed Republican Donald Trump.

His goal, he claimed, was a spin on Make America Great Again - Make America Healthy Again.
In 2018, two black men were arrested in Philadelphia because that Starbucks store had a policy that did not allow people to use their facilities without purchasing something. Social Justice Warriors declared that racist and Starbucks changed their policy. Anyone could use the restrooms and anyone could take up seats, or smoke, or drink alcohol out of a paper bag.
In a world where food is affordable and choice is high, some people will not have impulse control. Forget conspiracy mumbo-jumbo about corporations and ultraprocessed foods and addiction, some human somewhere will have fetishized everything so such an "addiction" means nothing, what is true is that foods are more delicious than ever and some people will eat too much.

The tide of culture has shifted away from more centralized government control and the social authoritarianism it brings. While those who ideologically profited from the 'old Twitter' and have all scampered to Bluesky to only talk to each other, the rest of the world is now trying to be mainstream again.
In early 2015, a small group of scientists and doctors noted that Dr. Mehmet Oz, famed TV physician and real-life surgeon at Columbia, was promoting so much quackery that the university should remove him from their ranks.

The knives immediately came out among progressive journalists in corporate media. The doctors and scientists criticizing Oz were "corporate shills" and the nonprofits they were affiliated with were suspect and probably front groups for Big Tobacco and Monsanto and probably racist against Muslims.

If you want to know where someone is most likely to steal your package, the short answer if you want to stop reading is Washington, DC. The nation's capitol. Infer from that what you will. The cost may be up to $12 billion each year.
No one wants to diet, everyone wants a miracle pill, and that is why supplements are a $35 billion industry in America, despite being mostly placebos. Weight loss therapies, even those with side effects, are all the rage with thin culture - because they work.

Still, who wouldn't want to stay thin without a shot in the butt?
Senator Tom Coburn used to do an annual report of the most ridiculous abuses of taxpayer money and it always got attention because his Wastebook didn't care if the party behind it was Republican or Democrat, he was a towering figure in fiscal conservatism.

You work hard for your money and he wanted you to know when government squandered it. A Bridge to Nowhere in Alaska or a 'study' of how college students use cellphones, none of it should have been using taxpayer funding, but those and many others were.
The Biden administration issued a report showing alcohol's causal link to cancer. Not just statistical woo, like epidemiologists "correlating" virtual pollution ({PM2.5) to things like insomnia and lower scores in first grade, or weedkillers to anything an environmental lawyer can dream up, serious evidence.
Cigarette smoking is in steady decline because the evidence became overwhelming that cigarette smoke causes cancer. It is not dumb epidemiology, like that 'organic food is linked to better grades in children' or 'virtual pollution may be why your income isn't higher' and whatever else the International Agency for Research on Cancer or National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences is trying to scare the public about this month.

Smoking, be it cigarettes or marijuana, is very bad.(1) Yet while while the federal government rightly joined us in criticizing cigarettes, they gave alcohol a free pass. 
Most of the country laughed when an expensive Los Angeles Times 'Foodie' event gave elites who paid up to $800 per ticket norovirus. 

Norovirus is gastroentitis, a 'stomach flu', sometimes called food poisoning, except related to bad hygiene rather than spoiled products. You see it a lot on cruise ships because so many people are in such a small area and it can be hard to kill using hand sanitizer because the lack of a lipid envelope means environmental stability. It can easily be prevented, though.

Wash your hands, obviously after using the bathroom or before preparing food.