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The Biden-Harris administration is under fire from Native-American and agriculture groups for repeating a food shortage fiasco that also occurred during the Obama-Biden administration.

The United States Department of Agriculture met with tribal leaders earlier this year and said they were switching to a single warehouse and sole contractor. Native leaders, concerned about a repeat of 2014, protested but USDA went ahead and food shortages, canceled food deliveries, and deliveries of expired products occurred starting in April.

Stacy Dean, Deputy Under Secretary of Agriculture for the Federal Nutrition Program 
Nippon Shinyaku Co., Ltd. has received rare pediatric disease designation for NS-050/NCNP-03, being developed for the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (Duchenne). The FDA's rare pediatric disease designation is for treatments of serious or life-threatening diseases in children where there are fewer than 200,000 patients in the United States.
While the Biden administration brags about the stock market gains for its voters - and he is smart to do so, nearly 80% of America's wealthiest counties vote Democrat - the less fortunate are feeling the impact of a $4 trillion stimulus plan that was great for government workers but just caused inflation to spike upward for everyone else. Food, for example, is up 44% since Biden took office.
The Biden administration is in its waning days, but he is not letting up on his breathtaking levels of social authoritarianism. It's not bad enough that the average age of the young people who put men on the moon and World War II are no longer adult enough to be off mommy's health insurance, he has now declared that if they buy pipe tobacco they are at risk for cancer. Or becoming a hobbit.

So if you are under age 30, get ready to show ID. It is federal law and one more thing store clerks have to obey government about.
One way to groom people into a social authoritarian, centralized government mindset is to keep them in a panic about everything. Then you give everyone a diagnosis and tell them it's not their fault. 

Using his agencies, President Biden has done a lot to erode confidence in government science and health. He bizarrely tried to use CDC to create nationwide rent control, he got EPA epidemiologists to hijack ponds on family farms under the pretense that they were "navigable waters of the United States", the list goes on.
Tom Girardi is one of the lawyers who shot to prominence after they got California utility PG&E to issue a shocking settlement in a case where it was alleged that hexavalent chromium was causing diseases in Hinckley, California.

Where were the bodies? They didn't exist, according to science, and history has shown it to be a hoax. There are no more cases of cancer, disease, or anything else. Like President Biden claiming a "cancer alley" in, unsurprisingly, a state that votes Republican, it just exploited the average to get a jury to side against a company.
California activists are cheering a new report that claims for 100 days, the state was entirely powered by alternative energy and therefore solar and wind are ready to rule.

This is a puzzle when California has America's most expensive electricity costs and people statewide are claiming about a 100% increase in electricity costs over the last 8 years and $500 bills last month.

The details tell the three truths that paid activists for the solar and wind industry omit.

American automobile companies have been dealing with government regulations for a hundred years so they know to go with the high-publicity political flow and then quietly fix the issues later.(1) During the housing bubble of 2008, Ford went to Congress and agreed car companies absolutely needed a bailout.

Then they didn't take it while competitors did, and were suddenly stuck with caving in to government-enabled union demands to have janitors make $50 an hour while Ford stock took off. They didn't have bureaucrats wanting to sign off on every decision the way General Motors did.
Progressives are concerned that some US states have adopted abortion cut-off dates equal to those of France, which only raised it to 14 weeks in 2022. CDC shows American births are dropping so low that the Biden administration may need to start subsidizing the pro-life movement.
There is now enough of data related to Germany lurching to the anti-science left this decade, both in food and energy, that is is easy to see why other companies should stop making the same mistake.

Solar and wind not only don't work, they can't work as long as old technology is subsidized. It prevents better technology from being developed because that is not where the easy government money is.
American environmentalists and the solar and wind industries propped up by taxes on poor people love to talk about how much their business has increased.

It certainly has. Mandates and subsidies will do that. What those cannot do is make a meaningful difference. The world has spent $4 trillion on solar and wind subsidies and conventional energy usage has only declined about 0.1%. Yet for that same $4 trillion we could've powered enough homes and businesses that climate change would be like Y2K - a conspiracy some claim was never going to happen because it was prevented.
Mexican farmers want to use more science in agriculture for two reasons. First, they don't trust the government officials they know are colluding with activists opposing science. Their country has vast oil reserves during record high prices and the industry is controlled by the government and still loses money.

Mexican farmers know how to grow food, the last thing they want are urban activists and bureaucrats doing to food what they do to energy.

The second is that they know science is why America can export to Mexico and China cheaper than countries with low labor costs can grow it.

After Fast Track consideration, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the neffy epinephrine nasal spray for emergency treatment of allergic reactions and anaphylaxis, initially for those who weigh at least about 66 pounds).
Environmentalists prey on the poor, which ironically harms the poor the most because they are most impacted by high-cost foods like the kind made using the organic process of companies that fund environmentalists to undermine competitors.

Mexico has many problems, and they are nearly all caused because people with money control too much of government. It's a country deep in oil, with a government monopoly on oil, that still somehow manages to lose money on oil during record oil prices. 
Over 20 years ago, Professor Tyrone Hayes of U.C. Berkeley sent a thunderclap throughout agriculture. He published a paper in PNAS showing that a popular weedkiller, named atrazine, was changing the vocal behavior and therefore mating of frogs. In the words of Hayes, it was making them 'gay.'

Frogs are an indicator species. I was concerned. EPA was concerned biologists were concerned. The manufacturer of the weedkiller was really concerned.
Epidemiologist Dr. Phil Landrigan claims conventional modern pesticides cause autism,birth defects, low IQ, ADHD and lots of other things, though pesticides sold by the companies who endorse him are basically health food.
Epidemiologists aren't trusted by the public, and for good reason. A field once so scientifically conservative it was last to accept a hereditary factor in cancer now pumps out 25,000 "studies" per year "correlating", "linking to", and "suggesting" that everything causes cancer.

Epidemiology is why California is a scientific joke around the world, with Proposition 65 'cancer' warnings on 80,000 products that have led to no decline in cancers. Just much higher costs on common products, which unfairly impacts the poor most.
Nicolas A. Van Larebeke, MD, cancer expert at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, was not convinced by offhand claims that organic food must be healthier(1) than food growing using modern tools and sought to find out if such claims were true. Instead of organic food being healthier, his team found that it had more chemical inputs, and those inputs resulted in higher concentrations of lead, arsenic, and organochlorine compounds linked to cancer in young people. The 600 Flemish adolescents in the data who consumed organic food more than 7.5 times a week had concentrations in their blood of toxins from 20% to 40% higher. 
Solar power is promoted by its lobbyists and marketing departments as a great source of clean, affordable energy, but you don't have to pay people to buy your product if it is both of those things.
In 2009, one of the first orders of business for self-proclaimed Scientist-In-Chief President Obama was to cancel NASA's Constellation project.

He said he wanted to 'go bigger' but given the hostility of his campaign, politically agnostic people knew what it meant - he was no Nixon, he was never going to allow a program with his predecessor's name on it to get off the ground, so the Constellation had to die to spite Bush. NASA has never really recovered from such overt politicization of science but the problems were evident before that.