The Analogy: A Powerful Instrument...
Up-to-date With The Big Bang, Mass, And Protons
Imaging The Human Body With Muons
Chemicals To Put Out Fires Are 'Riskier' For Firefighters...
Six-muon Events Probe Proton Collision Dynamics
As part of my self-celebrations for having survived 20 years of blogging (the anniversary was a few days ago, see my previous post), I am re-posting a few representative, old articles I wrote in my column over the years. The selection will not be representative of the material I covered over all this time - that would>
Blood samples of pregnant women have detectable levels of chemicals and that 'chemical cocktail' may pose "neurotoxic risk", according to a paper published in Science whose senior author is strangely on the board of reviewing editors at Science.This "chemical cocktail" nomenclature has been popular among activists>
A gravity model of the Earth constructed with data from GRACE. Credit: University of Texas Center for Space Research and NASAIt is all about gravity these days. First came GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) and then we'll have GOCE (Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer). I'll reveal>
Where does the solar system end and interstellar space begin? There are no 'Now Leaving...' signs so it's somewhat subjective. If you think the argument over Pluto was confusing, you'll be intrigued that the argument over the solar system takes that to a whole new level.Two years ago, it was announced that wherever>
New information about a link between the growth of blood vessels critical to the spread of cancer and the copper in our bodies has been discovered by researchers from the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago, using a beamline at the Advanced Photon Source. Growing>