What Will It Take For Real...
More Efficient Solar Panels On The Horizon
By Mark Pierce
How Scientific Fraud Became EU Law
EPA Finally Ends Regulation By 'Secret Sauce'
Encounters With Giant Sharks In The Arctic
Climate has always shifted but concerns about faster changes brought on by the modern world have led the authors of a new paper to worry that current high-volume sources of apples could lose their apex status to other areas.The paper in the pay-to-publish journal Environmental Research Letters analyzed over 40>
Across Europe, town and city councils are becoming increasingly interested in energy decentralization, i.e. in producing power closer to where it is consumed, which could reduce energy costs for citizens who already feel their economic backs being broken by political beliefs about alternative energy that doesn't involve>
Planes flying between Europe and North America will be spending more time in the air due to the effects of climate change, a new study has shown.
By accelerating the jet stream -- a high-altitude wind blowing from west to east across the Atlantic -- climate change will speed up eastbound flights but slow down westbound>
Microscopic analysis of scratches on dinosaur teeth may have helped scientists unravel an ancient riddle of what a major group of dinosaurs - the Hadrosaurs - ate and exactly how they did it.A study led by the University of Leicester has found evidence that the duck-billed dinosaurs called Hadrosaurs had a unique>
Extreme Geohazards – what are they?In December 2004, we all learned one Japanese word; tsunami (津波, lit. "harbor wave"). Japan has seen a number of tsunamis through out times, situated right there on the Ring of Fire, and when the Sumatran earthquake hit the ocean floor in the Indian ocean in 2004 creating>
Whales are relatively rare and so they probably don't make much of a difference in the overall ocean.
A team of biologists disagrees. They reviewed several decades of research on whales from around the world and found that whales make a huge difference and have a powerful and positive influence on the function>