A Million-Year-Old Mammoth May Hold The Key...
What Will It Take For Real Farming In Space?
The Analogy: A Powerful Instrument For Physics...
First Nation Shell Middens And True Oysters
News Of The Demise Of The Standard Model Were Exaggerated
Each man kills the thing he loves, sang Jeanne Moreau in a beautiful song some thirty years ago. But the sentence is actually a quote from Oscar Wilde - aren't all smart quotes from that amazing writer?Anyway, in some way this rather startling concept applies to every man except researchers in ...
By Tommaso Dorigo
Your Portable Radiation Spectrometer - The Wondrous Radiacode 103
A few days ago I put my hands on a RadiaCode 103, a pocket radiation counter, dosimeter, and spectrometer that has recently appeared on the market. The company that produces it, RadiaCode, is located in Cyprus (see https://radiacode.com). The instrument is a portable device that pairs up with a ...
By Tommaso Dorigo
Opposer At A PhD Defense
Yesterday I was in Oslo, where I was invited tro serve as the leading opposer in the Ph.D. defense of a student of Alex Read, who is a particle physicist and a member of the ATLAS collaboration. Although I have served in similar committees several times in the past, this turned out to be a special ...
By Tommaso Dorigo
Acknowledging Giorgio's Mentoring Superpowers
Yesterday I gladly attended a symposium in honor of Giorgio Bellettini, who just turned 90. The italian physicist, who had a very big impact in particle physics in his long and illustrious career, is still very active -e.g. he makes all the hard questions at the conferences he attends, as he has ...
By Tommaso Dorigo
Sen. Sanders Still Opposes Nuclear Energy But The American Science Community Marches On
If you tell me an old white person in America opposes nuclear power, I can tell you how they vote. I can also tell you with alarming accuracy what they think about lots of science, like food and medicine. They think natural gas is why climate change happens.The reality is that climate change happened ...
By Hank Campbell
A Boom In Carbon Capture Is Upon Us, But The Impact On Greenhouse Gas Emissions Is Uncertain
Carbon capture and storage (CCS), the process of separating, treating and transporting carbon dioxide (CO2) from industrial sources to long-term storage locations, is on the cusp of reaching unprecedented scale. This process has been driven by government policy efforts such as preferential financing ...
By Mark Pierce
Glyphosate Impact On Soil Microbes - The 1% Can Worry But Scientists Do Not
Is glyphosate damaging essential microbes in soil? A multi-year study sought to answer the question using real-world conditions.Glyphosate (e.g Roundup) is the most popular weedkiller in the world, and that has made it a target for some disreputable competitors, primarily those in the organic food ...
By Hank Campbell
More Like Lizards: Claim That T. Rex Was As Smart As Monkeys Refuted
A year ago, corporate media promoted the provocative claim that dinosaurs like Tyrannorsaurus rex had so many neurons they had to be substantially more intelligent than assumed, since these high neuron counts could directly inform on intelligence, metabolism and life history.They even added that ...
By News Staff
At 3 Cases In 6 Months, Monkeypox In The US Is Effectively Contained
Monkeypox (Mpox) is an infection transmitted by skin-to-skin contact and causes fever and painful skin blisters. It is in the Orthopoxvirus genus of viruses, which includes smallpox, so those vaccinated against it have cross-protection, smallpox vaccines also work for monkeypox.It is usually self ...
By News Staff
Brown Fat’s “Off-Switch” Isn't A New Ozempic Diet Exploit
Brown adipose tissue is different from the white fat around human belly and thighs. Brown fat helps to turn calories into heat and it was once thought that only small animals like mice and newborns had brown fat but some adults retain it.If some people have it, perhaps others can activate it also ...
By News Staff
Trust: Why Pharmacists Do More To Lower Blood Pressure Than Doctors
A recent paper did something interesting with data from 100 hypertension trials around the world - it compared blood pressure reductions by the type of healthcare professionals who led the interventions.The results were that pharmacists achieved the greatest improvements, followed by community ...
By News Staff
Is Hydroxychloroquine The Cure To Alzheimer’s?
Alzhiemer’s, the most common form of dementia, is increasingly prevalent. Estimates from the Alzheimer’s Association place the number of Americans suffering from Alzheimer’s and aged 65 and older, at 6.9 million.  Seventy-three percent of Alzheimer’s sufferers are aged 75 or older ...
By Mark Pierce
Sickle Cell Disease: A Pill Cure In Mice And Monkeys
Scientists led by Dr. Pamela Ting have reported the discovery and characterization of the first molecular glue degraders of the WIZ transcription factor for fetal hemoglobin derepression in Sickle Cell Disease, which means a pill-based therapy for humans could begin development.Sickle Cell Disease ...
By News Staff
Amanita Muscaria Mushrooms Are An Alternative Medicine Fad More Toxic Than Fentanyl
Online supplement marketers prey on consumers by exploiting the margins of President Bill Clinton's 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, which exempts supplements from FDA oversight if they state in fine print, "This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration ...
By Hank Campbell
Fentanyl Issue - Blaming Big Pharma Or Foreign Crime Rings Tells Us How You Vote
During last evening's Republican National Convention, speakers repeatedly invoked the fentanyl crisis and blamed lax border control and unchecked illegal immigration. Democrats, on the other hand, blame Big Pharma, and argue corporate exploitation of supply chain monitoring loopholes fueled the ...
By Hank Campbell
The Oldest Profession May Be Fashion Design
There are five professions(1) but lots of occupations and trades lay claim to being the oldest one despite predating the concept by millennia.Farming is around 14,000 years old but a new study reveals one less-considered trade predates it by tens of thousands of years: fashion.Humans wore clothing ...
By News Staff
More State Run Liquor Stores May Prevent Suicides
Suicide is the runaway leader in gun deaths in the United States and a new demography paper says more government control of the alcohol business might provide a solution for that, and homicides also.This was a statistical analysis, so only EXPLORATORY, but they correlate more restrictive alcohol ...
By Hank Campbell
Is It Safe To Buy Food At A Farmers Market?
There is populist rhetoric about Buy Local but what few in the public realize is that the definition is subjective. Restaurants in Manhattan often claim they buy local, but in the fine print it reads 'when available', and they don't tell you when it was not locally available, and local to them ...
By Hank Campbell
Republicans Shot Trump, Electronic Voting, GMOs - Conspiracy Theories Are Common. Here's Why
Misinformation, disinformation, and conspiracy theories have always been with us. The belief that Republican Vice-President Dan Quayle couldn't spell 'potato' or that Democratic President Barack Obama was not a citizen are common modern ones that still get repeated as facts.In the old days, when ...
By News Staff
The World Is Richer Than Ever, But It's Not Due To Communism Or Capitalism, It's Science
There are lots of stories about the poor in America, and have been for decades. Smart demographers know that, like racism, if everyone is talking about The Poor, it's almost eliminated.One of the giant cracks in the communist dictatorship called the USSR last century was when the television program ...
By Hank Campbell
Despite Lacking Science, FDA Made 10,000 Vaping Products Illegal. Now It Wants More Armed Agents To Enforce It
It will be up to science history to try and gain insight into the reasons the federal government engaged in "Reefer Madness" narratives about marijuana, and then backed off that yet did the same to smoking cessation and harm reduction tools like vaping.Cigarette smoking is unquestionably dangerous ...
By Hank Campbell
COVID-19 Made Stereotyping Of Asians Uncool - Mostly To Gain Political Traction
Only a few years ago, American colleges used a "secret sauce" of race in admissions that voided test scores and replaced those with arbitrary demographic selection. Due to such clear racism, and despite being a minority with less than 5 percent of the population, Asians were least likely to be ...
By Hank Campbell
Robert Zubrin, a great Aerospace Engineer and advocate for human space exploration, has a credible...  more »
Sheer beauty — a beautiful Euhoplites ammonite from Folkstone, UK. These lovelies have a pleasing...  more »
March is here, and with it begins a season of intense travel for me - something which for some...  more »
This plant above is what is regarded as a typical fern. However, a quite different looking type...  more »
By Anonymous
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