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After Fast Track consideration, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the neffy epinephrine nasal spray for emergency treatment of allergic reactions and anaphylaxis, initially for those who weigh at least about 66 pounds).
Environmentalists prey on the poor, which ironically harms the poor the most because they are most impacted by high-cost foods like the kind made using the organic process of companies that fund environmentalists to undermine competitors.

Mexico has many problems, and they are nearly all caused because people with money control too much of government. It's a country deep in oil, with a government monopoly on oil, that still somehow manages to lose money on oil during record oil prices. 
Over 20 years ago, Professor Tyrone Hayes of U.C. Berkeley sent a thunderclap throughout agriculture. He published a paper in PNAS showing that a popular weedkiller, named atrazine, was changing the vocal behavior and therefore mating of frogs. In the words of Hayes, it was making them 'gay.'

Frogs are an indicator species. I was concerned. EPA was concerned biologists were concerned. The manufacturer of the weedkiller was really concerned.
Epidemiologist Dr. Phil Landrigan claims conventional modern pesticides cause autism,birth defects, low IQ, ADHD and lots of other things, though pesticides sold by the companies who endorse him are basically health food.
Epidemiologists aren't trusted by the public, and for good reason. A field once so scientifically conservative it was last to accept a hereditary factor in cancer now pumps out 25,000 "studies" per year "correlating", "linking to", and "suggesting" that everything causes cancer.

Epidemiology is why California is a scientific joke around the world, with Proposition 65 'cancer' warnings on 80,000 products that have led to no decline in cancers. Just much higher costs on common products, which unfairly impacts the poor most.
Nicolas A. Van Larebeke, MD, cancer expert at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, was not convinced by offhand claims that organic food must be healthier(1) than food growing using modern tools and sought to find out if such claims were true. Instead of organic food being healthier, his team found that it had more chemical inputs, and those inputs resulted in higher concentrations of lead, arsenic, and organochlorine compounds linked to cancer in young people. The 600 Flemish adolescents in the data who consumed organic food more than 7.5 times a week had concentrations in their blood of toxins from 20% to 40% higher. 
Solar power is promoted by its lobbyists and marketing departments as a great source of clean, affordable energy, but you don't have to pay people to buy your product if it is both of those things.
In 2009, one of the first orders of business for self-proclaimed Scientist-In-Chief President Obama was to cancel NASA's Constellation project.

He said he wanted to 'go bigger' but given the hostility of his campaign, politically agnostic people knew what it meant - he was no Nixon, he was never going to allow a program with his predecessor's name on it to get off the ground, so the Constellation had to die to spite Bush. NASA has never really recovered from such overt politicization of science but the problems were evident before that.
Ask a farmer what their most important asset is and they will tell you it's their land. Without it, nothing happens.

Yet the Biden EPA has shown breathtaking hostility to American farmers, insinuating by regulation that not only do American farmers not care about their most important asset, they are systematically destroying it.

It makes no sense but neither does the method EPA is using to undermine American science; namely that they are doing no science at all. Instead, they have stuffed panels with epidemiologists who don't need evidence, they have correlation. Then they use correlation to invoke other regulations and claim it is the Constitution at war on American agriculture, not generational bureaucrats who only even touch grass in photo-ops.
California mandates and subsidizes solar power, but the money for that isn't from all taxpayers, it is instead taxes and fees tacked onto the bills of people who use conventional energy - people in apartments, renters, and anyone who can't afford solar installations.

Worse, solar owners, already privileged, also 'sell electricity back at the same rate they buy it', which everyone knows is impossible. Utilities have employees, infrastructure, and repairs, so without a markup to cover those, they'd be out of business. Thanks to a bulletproof-majority in state politics, science is pushed to the side, and conventional energy users pay even more to so the state can engage in fiscal magic.
It is routinely claimed by trial lawyers and their allied epidemiologists that diet soda has lots of nasty effects on humans. Science has never found that but that is why epidemiology is invoked. If an epidemiologist with an agenda looks at enough rows of diseases and enough columns of foods people claim they ate, it is easy to claim meat causes cancer. Or prevents cancer. Just like organic food causes autism and DDT improves male fertility.

Eco-terrorists perhaps thought Italy was like other European countries and destroying a CRISPR food test plot would make the government apologize and change their evil science ways.
In 1984, a court much farther to the left than today's is to the right made arguably its worst 'social justice living document' ruling - they found that an agency controlled by the president could create new regulations that act as laws if those regulations were in the agency's "mandate." All a president had to do was broaden an agency's mandate, or have a Congressional law written poorly, and anything was possible.
New York makes a big show of banning natural gas and nuclear energy while preventing brownouts across Manhattan by buying natural gas from neighboring Pennsylvania.

President Biden's EPA recently decided that not only should New York be allowed hypocrisy about the sources of its that even Russia-addicted Germany thought was laughable, he wanted Democratic states to be able to sue Republican ones for the emissions created by selling energy to the wealthy elites nearby. So California could sue Idaho and even states as far away as Utah because those states keep Governor Newsom from being the target of a recall vote yet again by selling energy - all the state would have to do is claim PM2.5 "virtual" pollution is wafting over the Sierra Nevadas.
The National Center for Health Statistics shows that average life expectancy for American men in 2022 was down to 74.8 years, 5.4 years lower than American women.
Last week, eco-terrorists attacked and destroyed a new optimized rice called Telemaco Ris8imo, using genetic engineering (assisted evolution techniques) so that it needs less fungicide.

Rice is one of those rather ridiculous crops that western government subsidize and people who don't know anything about agriculture believe needs to be covered in water to grow. It is actually covered in water in Asia to keep it safe from...nature.(1) In many places, water takes energy and if we care about climate change, we want less energy pumping water or importing rice from China on emissions-belching ships. Science to the rescue. So scientists created a rice with three genes tweaked to make it naturally resistant to Pyricularia oryzae, rice blast fungus. 
Trial lawyers suing over a popular weedkiller saw six words they never want to read in a court document approving a motion to dismiss a study they consider vital to their future yacht payments: "Zhang’s meta-analysis is junk science."

This is not just authoritative, it is humiliating.

It doesn't end there. The court saw through their pay-to-publish scam and was immune to their time-honored technique of immediately having a bunch of other papers cite it to increase its impact factor and H-index.
Austrian Environment Minister Leonore Gewessler took one for the environmental team to push through a new environmental bill that few want.

If there is one positive thing that Russia invading Ukraine accomplished, it's forcing Europeans to stop being hypocrites about where their food and energy really derives. It is not Europe, and has not been since they started shutting off coal plants and nuclear energy and claimed solar and wind only needed political will to take over.(1) And that Russian organic food imports were anything more than a placebo in sticker form.(2)
A news article says that 2024 fact checkers are having a hard time keeping up with all of the disinformation and misinformation surrounding the American presidential election. While progressive activists want to allege it's only by the right-wing, that isn't true at all.(1) 
There is no question that American academia is driven more by politics and cultural agendas than being trusted guides for the public, and a new paper by the European Society of Medicine shows that militancy is a key reason why countries which could benefit the most from Golden Rice are terrified of science.

Golden Rice, fortified with β-carotene that becomes vitamin A in the body, should be prized by progressives who mask their hatred of science behind "distrust" of corporations, because it has no corporate control. It is entirely public domain, created by academics to help the world.