Don't like school cafeteria food? Try munching on sea-floor rocks...

Hello, Noodling Nufers! There's an interesting news item today about rocks on the bottom of the...

Move over, turducken - this Thanksgiving, I'm having frogamander!

Hello, all Nufer's noodlers! I hear you're studying evolution, and that's perfect timing...

Young supernova shows signs of explosive temper

Sorry, bad pun. But this is a pretty cool finding - on May 14 scientists announced that they had...

What Do An Ethiopian King, A Candle And Minnesota Have In Common?

They all relate to Cepheid variables! Before you tune out because it sounds like a hard concept...

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Here's a fun experiment, one you've probably done already a million times: stick your arm out in front of you. Stick up your left thumb, like you're giving the thumbs up. Close one eye - see where your thumb is? Okay, now switch eyes and close the other one. Did your thumb move? The next step - move your thumb a little closer. Now do it all over again. Did it seem like your thumb was moving even more than before? 
Hello, Ms. Nufer's class, and welcome to your very own blog about science! Since you're learning about astronomy right now, I'll keep you updated on news from the astronomy field. If you have questions or comments, be sure to submit them and I'll get back to you on this site. Sound good? Let's get started!